Saturday, June 30, 2012

Front Snap Kick with the Top of the Foot

I show this kick today with two methods of advancement.

In the first one, I step forward with my back leg and lifting the lead knee, I kick with the lead leg.

In the second method, I simply shift all my weight forward onto my lead leg and kick with my rear foot.

Both methods should be light, quick and feel like nothing at all to the kicker.

Without prejudice

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Quarter Distance Fore Elbows and Knees
Today I am mixing Fore Elbow Strikes with Knee strikes. The sounds I make when I hit the bag actually sound similar to the speed at which I kicked the bag a few days ago.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fore Elbow and Half Punch combinations
Today I am working the bag in close. These are fast continuous combinations that flow easily into eacg other.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Kicking the Heavy Bag
Kicking may be done from either  a crane stance or from a variety of two legs on the ground stances.  This video shows me kicking from the bow or neutral. The rhythm is much slower than yesterday’s. A quick fighter might be able to defend against the initial kick and counter. On the other hand, two or three powerful kicks will cause a significant amount of damage against even the most determined attacker.

Without prejudice

Monday, June 25, 2012

Striking and Kicking

This is another drill where I find it helps me if I concentrate on the rhythm. The rhythm of kicking alternating with striking with the arms is different than with arms alone (or legs alone too).

Without prejudice

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Block and then Counter Punch

Today I am again working the heavy bag. It is the rhythm that counts here more than the actual technique; one and a slight pause before two.
Without prejudice

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Working the Heavy Bag Combinations off of a Front Kick
Working combinations off of a stationary target is never the same as live but it can be used to improve distance, balance, coordination etc. Basically, it is another way for me to train.
Without prejudice

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Shift away Downward Block then Slide in Counter
I shift away and deflect the incoming kick. Catching the leg when it is extending out is what makes this defection work.

As he withdraws, I follow up with a counter. If he does not move back, I would not use this counter. It is vital that I move with him in order for this tactic to work. It is also essential that this is simply one of many varied tactics at my disposal.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Diagonal Downward Block then Slide in Counter Kick
The counter is the same as it has been all week. My attacker slides in and kicks before withdrawing to his original position. 

In this case, I guard the side of my abdomen before countering.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Kneel Downward Sweep Block then Slide in Offset Kick
This block works best against an offset kick to the groin. I drop my weight down and sweep the kick to the side. As my attacker withdraws, I follow up with my own counter kick.

Without prejudice

Monday, June 18, 2012

Shift Away Defense followed by a Slide in Kick
Same counter as yesterday (and the day before) but the defense is different. The attack is a low line kick to the leg. I defend by stepping back. As the attacker withdraws, I follow and kick.

Without prejudice

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Shift Away Descending Palm Heel Block then Slide in Front Kick

Similar to yesterday but instead of going down, I go back.
Against a front kick to the stomach, I shift back into a cat stance as I execute a Descending Palm Heel Block. As the attacker withdraws, I step forward and counter kick.

More Basics…

Without prejudice

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Kneel Groin Block then Slide in Front Kick
Against a front kick to the groin, I drop my weight into a Descending Palm Heel Block. As the attacker withdraws, I step forward and counter kick.


Without prejudice

Thursday, June 14, 2012

High Low Centre Thrusting Drill
I perform alternating High low center forefist thrusts with high low center knifehand thrusts. I follow this with the same thing done with hip torque.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

High Low Centre Inside and Outside Blocks
This is a coordination drill. First I perform a Rising Block, Downward Block and Inside Block. Next I perform a High Outside Block, a Low Outside Block and a Mid outside block.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

High Low Center Backhand Knifehand Thrusts
This drill may be done with or without hip torque. If hip torque is added, make sure to add it only when the knifehand is on the way to the target.

Without prejudice

Monday, June 11, 2012

High Low Center Outside Blocking Drill
Same idea as Saturday, June 09 except that I am using Outside Palm Heel Blocks.

Again, I cover various heights with alternate arm blocks. The blocks are as easy and simple to use as blinking yet with the power to stop a hard punch or kick.

Without prejudice

Sunday, June 10, 2012

High Low Center Classic Punching Drill

This is the first ‘High-Low-Center’ punching drill I ever learned. I do it both with the core still and with added hip torque.

Without prejudice

Saturday, June 9, 2012

High Low Center Inside Blocking Drill
Basic idea is to cover various heights with alternate arm blocks. The point is to make the blocks as easy and simple to use as blinking yet with the power to stop a hard punch or kick.

Without prejudice

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Combinations off of the Side Kick

All the combinations that I show today are done against a stationary target. What boxers used to call a ‘catcher’.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Kisae Kempo Combinations off of The Roundhouse Kick


Today I’m practicing a follow up Lead Backfist  or a follow up rear leg front Kick.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Combinations off of the Offset Kick

Like a straight in Front Kick, the Offset Kick is quick yet strong. The offset has the advantage of being able to tag an attacker who is positioned on an angle to me.

Without prejudice

Monday, June 4, 2012

Combinations of off the Front Kick

Leading with the Front Kick in Kisae is a bit different that simply punching because I do not fall into a stance after kicking. I kick, step down no deeper than shoulder width and punch.

Without prejudice

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Combinations off of the Lead Backfist

Almost the same as yesterday except that I am in a Leading Horse Stance. I use the Lead Backfist to measure my distance as well as injure my attacker. If they are efficient enough to defend against the initial backfist, my follow ups should do the job.

Without prejudice

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Combinations of off the Jab

Working the heavy bag tonight. I slide in while leading with the jab. I follow up with another punch or two before withdrawing. Nothing fancy, just basic stuff.

Endlessly fascinating…

Without prejudice