Thursday, April 30, 2015

Simultaneous Block with Counterpunch

The six basic blocks with simultaneous counterpunch cover the heads and torso against a punch.

The idea is simple enough.

It is the doing it regularly that counts.
Without prejudice

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Combining Cane Strikes with Slide in Kicks

Just like the title says…I swing with the cane at kicking distance then I slide in and kick.

It takes time to strike from a distance and this drill certainly makes me take mine…
Without prejudice

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A Punching Drill

I execute twelve punches in a row to a stationary heavy bag.

Then I repeat often.

The idea is to make the punches a reflex.

If I have to think to strike, I have found it is generally too late…
Without prejudice

Monday, April 27, 2015

Block and Counterpunch

Lead arm blocks, a slight pause followed by the rear arm counter punching.

Usually this is one counter but there can be more.

I make it a point in this drill to pause between the block and the counter should another block be needed.

Working the heavy bag when countering van make for a change od pace.
Without prejudice

Friday, April 24, 2015

The 2nd Grip on the Cane

This is a versatile grip which allows me a lot of leeway in using this short staff at various distances.

As shown I can strike anywhere from outside kicking range to inside punching range.

And I have the added advantage of being able to change to a modified 5th grip should the need arise.
Without prejudice

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Block and Counter using the 5th Grip on the Cane

I can block punches to the face to either side guarding high before countering.

Or I can block punches to the body to either side guarding low before countering.

A simple enough drill, it requires a lot of practice to make work under duress.
Without prejudice

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Ten Basic Grips on the Cane

A review today of the ten most basic grips.

I think of the ‘Basic Grips of the Cane’ the way I think of ‘Stances’.

The ‘Basic Grips of the Cane’ are used and practiced without thought so they must be practiced until using them becomes a reflex when the cane is used in practice.

I bit of a caution today, as well.

I broke one of my canes when  I hit the heavy bag with it.

The cane was older and luckily it was taped so it held together in spite of the break.

None the less, a wooden cane can be broken during use and this should be taken into account.

A metal cane is likely to bend if hit too hard or too often and this too, should be noted.
Without prejudice

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

More about Using the Cane Handle

When using the cane, strong wrists are an absolute must.

So is correct form.

This is why I emphasis that this ‘Training Tool’ is just that.

I device I use while training in the studio.

Again, I am applying the cane handle at punching distance.

Today I am applying the cane handle when I block as well as when I punch.

I keep my elbow in close when blocking.

This is not the best way to block but it does exist…
Without prejudice

Monday, April 20, 2015

Using the Cane Handle

Today’s drill is all about applying the cane handle when I am at punching distance.

Usually I apply the cane as a balance enhancing tool when I am kicking.

But the same thing that enhances my balance also ties up my arm when I get to punching distance during training.

Again I have three basic options.

I can put the cane aside when I am not using it.

It can get in the way and tie up one or both of my arms.

I can use the cane as a tool of training.

Today I am applying the cane handle when I punch.

A word of warning here.

Know that I have been doing this for a long time.

I have strong wrists and a powerful punch.

This ability to use the cane in the manner shown took time and effort to develop.

Done correctly, this is a strong move.

If it is done wrong it can lead to injuries.

You have been warned!
Without prejudice

Friday, April 17, 2015

Four Multiple Blocks then Multiple Counterpunches

Basically this is a drill where I block against an attacker then counter.

I block four times as shown.

Then I interrupt his assault by using my blocking arm to counter first.

Then I follow up with several punches of my own.
Without prejudice

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Multiple Blocks then Multiple Counterpunches off of the Inside Block

Yesterday was all about up and down motions.

Today is about left and right motions.

This drill is practiced against a jab, cross combination to the face.

I use my lead arm to execute an Inside Block.

I use the same arm to follow-up with an Outside Block.

Then I use the same arm again to punch with.

Only at this time do I follow up with other punches.
Without prejudice

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Multiple Blocks then Multiple Counterpunches off of the Rising Block

My lead arm executes a Rising Block.

I use the same arm to drive down into a Crossdownward Arm Block.

And I drive (without pause) into a punch from that position.

I perform a follow-up with two more punches.
Without prejudice

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Opposite Arms with Inside Block and Counterpunches

Similar to yesterday’s drill.

I block with one arm, slight pause then counter with the other arm.

I make it a point to put a slight pause between my opposite arms block and counter.

Today the counter punches are done in a ‘high, low, centre’ method.
Without prejudice

Monday, April 13, 2015

Opposite Arms with Rising Block and Counterpunches

I have done this before: block with one arm, slight pause then counter with the other arm.

Only at this point do I follow up with more punches.

I make it a point to put a slight pause between my opposite arms block and counter.

There is less likelihood I will clash should my attacker throw more than one punch.
Without prejudice

Friday, April 10, 2015

Using the 10th Grip on the Cane

This particular grip works only on a ‘Sheppard’s Hook’ Cane.

I grip the hook and use the thing to punch to the body with.

Sounds much easier than it actually is.

Punching effectively with the cane while coordinating other blocks, strikes, steps and kicks can be challenging.

As I stated a few days ago; I train with this ‘short staff’ and like any martial arts training tool; it must be done in a challenging manner or it won’t get done…
Without prejudice

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Striking with the Cane at Different Distances

I start outside kicking range using the 4th grip on the Cane.

I strike with the end (as shown).

I change my grip to a 5th grip and cross check the bag as I step closer.

Then I withdraw.

This is more about timing and distance more than it is about speed.

Changing the grip from the 4th to the 5th grip means grabbing the cane (again as shown).

This drill looks easy but it is quite challenging when done quickly.
Without prejudice

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Using the Cane to Block and Counter from the 5th Grip

I start in a Forward Bow while holding the cane at chest height in the 5th grip.

I block a single attack as shown.

Then I counter with a cross check.

Only when I have this down do I add a step to the cross check.

Basic staff exercise…
Without prejudice

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Another Drill where I am Thrusting with the Cane in the Fifth Grip

This was an extenuation of yesterday’s drill…

But I missed with the first strike, so…

The point of today’s drill became:  Finish, Finish, Finish!

Even when a mistake or a miss has occurred; finish the drill.

Get used to finishing what has been started.
Without prejudice

Monday, April 6, 2015

Thrusting with the Cane in the Fifth Grip

I start off in a Leading Horse and I combine a step with a strike.

I shuffle with a Tip thrust of the cane.

I can go high, low or centre.

The doing is the thing.

The more I can do of it, the better I will become.
Without prejudice

Friday, April 3, 2015

A Six Punch Drill

The idea is to keep the distance between the target and me at an optimum distance.

I want to always be punching when I am at punching distance.
Without prejudice

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Five Punch Combination Drill

Just like it sounds…

I lead with a jab and follow up four more times before recovering.

If the bag moves I follow it.

If the bag is still, then so am I.
Without prejudice

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Still Another Drill using Combination Punches off the Jab

This is a four strike drill.

I go to the face then the body and the face once more and finish to the body.

I keep the target at an optimum range for punch (in this case by using little steps).
 Without prejudice