Monday, December 31, 2018

A Coordination Drill with the Cane

Here is a coordination drill with the cane.

The video is self-explanatory. 

I don not move too fast.

There is nothing flashy or showy about this.

I also make sure I have room to swing the tool.

Without prejudice

Friday, December 21, 2018

Rising Block then Counterpunch with Same Arm

By using the same limb to block and counter...

I can go from block to punch without pausing

Without Prejudice

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Rising Block and Counterpunch

This combination has a pause between the block (with the lead arm)

And the counter (with the rear arm)

This pause allows me to block a second strike by using my lead arm

The Rising Block is used mainly against a punch to the forehead.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

High, Low, Centre Punching Drill

This is a High, Low, Centre, Punching Drill

This drill is done on a heavy bag

I practice it up close and a bit further away

I also use gloves today

I do not always use gloves but today I am

Without prejudice

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Inside High, Low, Centre Blocking Drill

Today I am practicing a 'High, Low, Centre Blocking Drill

I have added a shuffle to this, as well.

This is a basic coordination drill.

I move at a speed that allows me to perform my steps and blocks efficiently.

Without prejudice