Sunday, July 31, 2011

Slide in Side Thrust Kick with Backfist Follow-up

Thanks again to Jason this week for his help with the filming of these videos.

Jason is kicking the light bag with a lead backfist today.

The tricky part of kicking a light bag is that it gives at the slightest touch. Even tough I’m bracing it both top and bottom, there really isn’t much to it and it will give way with little or no pressure.

Without prejudice

Friday, July 29, 2011

Slide in Roundhouse Kick to Clapper

Today I am the kicker.

Notice how the clapper still moves even though Jason has more than three (3) times my strength.

Without prejudice

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Slide in Roundhouse Kick to Clapper

This kick is slid in from a leading horse.

Notice that even when done on this light pad (the clapper), I still feel the pad being moved away from the kick.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Slide in Offset Kick to Clapper

Today I’m practicing a slide in Offset Kick to the clapper. Low and medium kicks must be practiced often to keep even minimum levels of efficiency. This kicks is devastating attack to teh outside of an attacker's leg.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Slide in Offset Kick to Clapper

Jason is practicing a slide in offset kick to the clapper today.

Listen to the clap and think about how damaging the kick would be if done to the outside of an attacker’s thigh.

Without prejudice

Slide in Offset Kick to Clapper

Jason is practicing a slide in offset kick to the clapper today.

Listen to the clap and think about how damaging the kick would be if done to the outside of an attacker’s thigh.

Without prejudice

Monday, July 25, 2011

Slide in Front Snap Kick to Clapper

This time around, I’m kicking the clapper with a slide in front snap kick.

Without prejudice

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Slide in Front Snap Kick to Clapper

Hit correctly and this pad makes a clapping sound (thus the name ‘clapper’).

The idea is to practice snapping kicks through the pad (and not to it).

Today Jason (thanks Big Guy) is demonstrating the slide in front snap kick.


Without prejudice

Friday, July 22, 2011

Shift Away Side Thrust Kick to Shield Pad

Again, Jason saves the best for last. His first few kicks are done well and good. He also demonstrates excellent control throughout the video.

Without prejudice

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Shift Forward Side Thrust Kick to Shield Pad

Jason does the kicking today. He kicks lightly until the last kick. Even so, his light kicks force me to recoil. When he finally kicks hard, I’m driven out of my stance.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Slide in Side Thrust Kick to Shield Pad

Jason is kicking today. He starts off with a light kick and gradually increases depth of penetration. The last kick of this video show just how hard his kick can be.

And please keep in mind he is only penetrating about 6 inches. Given the thickness of the pad that means he is only just touching me. My reaction is caused by hydrostatic shock.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Shift away Side Thrust Kick to Shield Pad

This time I start at almost elbow range. I shift my weight away before kicking out. At first, this kick feels weak but time spent practicing it quickly dispels that idea. As I watch this video, I’m still impressed with Jason’s reaction to my kick.

Without prejudice

Monday, July 18, 2011

Shift Forward Side Thrust to Shield Pad

This time I’m kicking forward with my rear leg into the pad.

Without prejudice

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Slide in Side Thrust Kick to Shield Pad

Thanks again to Jason for his invaluable efforts here this week.

I must emphasis that kicking the shield pad should be done only with bare feet (or there is an excellent change of tearing the pad).

Kicking a shield pad is a challenging effort. The pad absorbs everything thrown at it.

This week we are practicing the side kick. Today I’m demonstrating a side thrust kick. My version of this kick is slightly different than Jason’s but both work and both are finishing moves.

Without prejudice

Friday, July 15, 2011

Shift Forward Roundhouse Kick to Heavy Bag

The torque of the hips in this kick adds power and increases the distance of this maneuver.

Notice how the bag swings after the kick lands. This strike is just that, a strike and not a push. So the bag swings only a bit.

Without Prejudice

Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 14 2011 Shift Forward Offset Kick to Heavy Bag

The idea is to make the kick both powerful and easy to do. Jason does this well and his kick is difficult to deal with. One has only to look at the heavy bag to see what dedicated practice can do to improve a technique.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Shift Forward Front Snap Kick to Heavy Bag

Very similar to a slide in kick except that Jason uses his rear leg to drive in.

Notice the distance he starts at.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Slide in Roundhouse Kick to Heavy Bag

This is done from a leading horse. Kicking into a heavy bag gives immediate feedback with both the sound and the feel of the foot has it makes an impact on the bag.

However, hitting a person is a very different experience.

Without Prejudice

Monday, July 11, 2011

Slide in Offset Kick to Heavy Bag

Same as yesterday but slightly offset. Thus the name, offset kick.

Notice how the bag swings a bit after it is struck.

Without prejudice

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Slide in Front Snap Kick to Heavy bag

Jason is demonstrating a slide in front snap kick to the heavy bag. Notice the kick is light, quick and easy. The bag actually lifts slightly despite being moored in place both vertically and horizontally.

Without Prejudice

Friday, July 8, 2011

Kneeling Rear Arm Downward Parry / Shift Forward Roundhouse Kick to Groin

The defender is in ‘poor position play’ (left to left or right to right). The attacker must use a shift forward kick with his rear leg to reach the target.

Without prejudice

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Kneeling Lead Arm Downward Parry / Shift Forward Offset Kick to the Outside of the Thigh

The attacker shifts forward and kicks with his rear leg to the defender’s outside lead thigh. The defense is to kneel down and parry the block.

Care must be taken not to lean forward when kneeling down for this oputs the defender’s head at risk.

Without Prejudice

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Kneeling Rear Arm Descending Palm Heel Block / Shift Forward Front Kick To Groin

A defense against a kick to the groin. This time the kick is a shifting forward kick with the attacker’s rear leg.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Kneeling rear Arm Downward Parry / Slide in Roundhouse Kick

Similar to yesterday. The main difference is the kick is to the inside of the thigh instead of the outside.

Without prejudice

Monday, July 4, 2011

Kneeling Lead Downward Parry / Slide in Offset Kick to Outside of Thigh

One defense against a kick to the outside of the thigh is to kneel down and parry the kick. This parry is also the beginning of a possible counter attack. This is not the only way to defend but it does have many advantages.

Without prejudice

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Kneeling Palm Heel Block / Slide in Front Kick to Groin

This week I'm working with Jason again. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank him for his hard work and unstinting support in all of our efforts here.

This is a two man drill designed to teach many things. Distance, timing, focus, even the ability to handle the unforeseen are improved.

Without prejudice

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Canada Day!

I am Proud to be a Canadian!

Sticky Hands with Jason 6

Note the smiles on our faces at the end of today’s exchange. Even though this is serious work, it must be enjoyable.

Without prejudice