Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Shift Away Descending Palm Heel Hammer Block

*WARNING: All groin defenses are dangerous and care should be taken when practicing with a partner.

It is all too easy to damage without meaning to. This applies to both parties. Start slow and make sure you are under the guidance of an experienced teacher.

Remember, this groin defense only works when it is a reflex move and that only happens with a lot of practice (read thousands of times solo and thousands more with a partner).

More, this is also a high risk defense. Because I am moving back, there is a tendency to think I am safe when in fact I may still be in range.
The Shift Away Descending Palm Heel Hammer Block is done from a Forward Bow. I simply withdraw back to a front Cat Stance as I drop my Palmheel into the incoming kick.

This is simple and easy in theory but be advised, this defense requires a lot of practice or it will be too late against a determined adversary.

Again; ideally, the attacking foot is struck on the arch. If the attacker were wearing steel toed boots, the palm heel would make contact with the foot behind the steel toe and just in front of the ankle.

All that being said, this block (when executed correctly), is a quick, powerful and very effective defense that leaves the defender in a perfect position to counter attack.

Without prejudice

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