Monday, June 30, 2014

Cane Blocks then Cane Counterstrike
Again, this is nothing unusual.

I both block then strike with the cane.

Today my counter is a forehand swing.

Without prejudice

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Cane Blocks then Counter Punch
The doing is the thing.

This has been done by me before and it is nothing unusual.

But that is what makes it so real.

I can do it without thought.

Without prejudice

Friday, June 27, 2014

Simultaneous Block with Forehand Knifehand Counter
This tactic is best used against a very aggressive attacker.

He steps in and punches hard.

I block with counter.

Without prejudice

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Simultaneous Block with Counter Backhand Hammerfist
I have done this before too.

The main difference between yesterday’s drill and today’s drill is unpredictability.

Harder to defend against because it is not expected.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Simultaneous Block with Counterpunch
I have done this before.


It is only with enthusiastic and regular practice that skill is developed and maintained.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Block, Check, Counter
I block with my lead arm.

I check with my rear arm.

I counter with my lead arm.

This sequence takes a fraction of a second.

It is best used against very powerful punches (what used to be called ‘Haymakers’).

Without prejudice

Monday, June 23, 2014

Block then Counter with the same limb
Like I said, Practice builds reflex like nothing else.

Today I am practicing block and right into a counter punch.

There is no pause between the two.

Without prejudice

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Block and Counter
Practice builds reflex like nothing else.

Today I am practicing block, pause counter punch.

Without prejudice

Friday, June 20, 2014

Mid Grip on the Cane: Horizontal Backhand Strike
This is the opposite of the technique I did yesterday.

Only practice makes it simple to use.

Without prejudice

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Mid Grip on the Cane: Horizontal Forehand Strike
As I have shown all week; things change when I am striking with the cane in mid grip (as opposed to holding the end of it).

Again, I have to be at punching range to land my blow.

I have very little wrist action but lots of forearm movement and some elbow in there as well.

My grip is a firm hold with all four fingers and thumb.

Today’s strike starts with the cane held high close to the body with my hand palm up and the end of the cane on the opposite side of me.

I can torque into the strike.

I can punch with my free hand.

I can also use both hands to generate additional power.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Mid Grip on the Cane: Diagonal Underhand Backhand Strike
 This is similar to the technique I did a couple of days ago except I am performing it underhand.

Punching range, very little wrist action, lots of forearm movement and my grip is a firm.

The practice is the thing; more practice is better.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Mid Grip on the Cane: Diagonal Underhand Forehand Strike
I have to be at punching range to land my blow.

I have very little wrist action but lots of forearm movement and some elbow in there as well.

My arm is straight hanging low to begin with.

My grip is a firm hold with all four fingers and thumb.

Today’s strike finishes with the cane held high on the opposite side of my body.

Looks like nothing and it is only when it lands that I feel it at all.

Without prejudice

Monday, June 16, 2014

Mid Grip on the Cane: Diagonal Overhand Backhand Strike
This is similar to yesterday’s technique except I am performing a backhand.

Punching range, very little wrist action, lots of forearm movement and my grip is a firm.

The cane is held high but I do not expose the armpit.

Without prejudice

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Mid Grip on the Cane: Diagonal Overhand Forehand Strike
Things change when I am striking with the cane in mid grip (as opposed to holding the end of it).

I have to be at punching range to land my blow.

I have very little wrist action but lots of forearm movement and some elbow in there as well.

My grip is a firm hold with all four fingers and thumb.

If I was to twirl it; that would only occur after the entire cane was finished its strike.

Today’s strike starts with the cane held high (but I do not expose the armpit).

Looks like nothing and it is only when it lands that I feel it at all.

Without prejudice

Friday, June 13, 2014

A Sixth Cane Swinging Drill
In the air, I execute an overhand forehand and come back with an underhand backhand.

Both the strikes are slightly angled in order to make them work without hurting myself inadvertently.

Again, this changes radically when I make contact with a heavy bag.

Without prejudice

Thursday, June 12, 2014

A Fifth Cane Swinging Drill
In the air, I execute a horizontal backhand and turn it into a horizontal forehand.

This is similar to what I was doing earlier this week.

Again, this changes radically when I make contact with a heavy bag.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Fourth Cane Twirling Drill
This time I use a horizontal backhand followed by an overhand forehand.

The idea is to build strength focus and familiarity of what impact (or lack thereof) feels like).

Without prejudice

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A Third Cane Swinging Drill
In the air, I execute a horizontal forehand and turn it into an underhand backhand.

This is a simple enough drill.

It changes radically when I make contact with a heavy bag.

The rebound effect turns this flowing drill into two separate movements.

Without prejudice

Monday, June 9, 2014

Underhand Diagonal Striking Drill with The Cane
Again, I hold the cane in the second grip with my entire hand.

Again, any contact with the bag results in a rebound effect.’

I do any second or third strike I chose when I hit the bag.

Without prejudice

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Overhand Diagonal Striking Drill with The Cane
I hold the cane in the second grip with my entire hand.

I am neither choking it nor holding lightly.

This is apparent when I strike the bag.

Contact with the bag results in a rebound effect.’

Without prejudice

Friday, June 6, 2014

High Low Center Forehand Knifehand Striking Drill (without hip torque)
Similar to yesterday’s drill except I use a forehand instead of a backhand.

No hip torque with these either.

They look like nothing yet the blows are powerful and quick.

It is only by doing these drills repeatedly that skill is attained.

Without prejudice

Thursday, June 5, 2014

High Low Center Backhand Knifehand Striking Drill (without hip torque)
No hip torque with these either.

Yet the blows are powerful and quick.

It is only by doing these drills repeatedly that skill is attained.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

High Low Center Punching Drill from High Guard(without hip torque)
Again, this is just like it sounds.

Done without hip torque these punches are slightly quicker than their hip torquing counterparts.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

High Low Center Punching Drill from Low Guard
This time I do it for just over thirty seconds.

Each punch is real and is immediately followed by another.

The only reason the bag does not fly away is that it is immobilized.

Therefore this drill is just that…A drill.

That is about one hundred and twenty six punches in thirty four seconds.

Without prejudice

Monday, June 2, 2014

High Low Center Punching Drill from Center
This is the same drill I did yesterday except that I am striking from the center position.

My hands are about six inches from the target

I am building reflexes as well as an awareness of when I am in position to strike (distance)..

The punches are close in but they still pack a wallop.

Without prejudice

Sunday, June 1, 2014

High Low Center Punching Drill
Just like it sounds…I have done it before.

The idea is that repetition builds reflex.

Yet I make each punch real and vital.

Without prejudice