Thursday, January 31, 2013

Simultaneous Block with Forehand Knifehand Counter

The same timing as yesterday’s drill (and the day before) but I use a Forehand Knifehand Counter attack.

The ‘one’ beat of simultaneous block with counter works under certain conditions but should be practiced with a follow-up block as well.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Simultaneous Block with Counter Hammer Fist

Fundamentally the same as yesterday’s drill. I am simply switching a counter punch with a counter hammer Fist (of Backfist). The position of the rear arm high and lead arm low is what makes this interesting. I can cover a variety of targets from this position.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Simultaneous Block with Counter Punch

The rhythm here is a simple one beat. Two motions are done at the same time. Technically, I hit the incoming arm a fraction of a second before I hit the head or body.

Without prejudice

Monday, January 28, 2013

Block, Check, Counter Drill

This is just like it sounds. Block with the lead arm, check the attackers arm with my rear am before countering with my lead arm.

These six blocks cover me against a punch to the front from my forehead to my stomach.

Without prejudice

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Same Limb Block then Counter Drill

Same timing as yesterday’s drill; block, pause then counter with the same arm. Variety in both practice and application is important.

Without prejudice

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lead Arm Block, Pause, Then Rear Arm Counter Punch

This is a very basic defense drill. The pause is there so that another block or three can be inserted into the combination if necessary.

Without prejudice

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Cane-Another Alternate Arm Striking Drill with Opposite Side Step

Again and almost the same as yesterday except that every time my left arm strikes, I step forward with my right leg and then back. Every time I strike with my right arm, I step forward with my left leg.

This is the opposite of the way I stepped and struck yesterday.

Overall, there are four strikes from two stances each.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Cane-Alternate Arm Striking Drill with Same Side Step

Same as yesterday except that every time my left arm strikes, I step forward with my left leg and then back. Every time I strike with my right arm, I step forward with my right leg.

Actually took longer to type out than it does to perform.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Cane-Alternate Arm Striking Drill

Alternating between arms; first I perform forehand swings, then backhand swings. As I say in the video, the grip is the thing. I make sure I have a firm grip before I swing.

Without prejudice

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Cane-Backhand, Thrust then Grip Change

This is almost the same as yesterday except I do a backhand instead of a forehand.

I concentrate on distance, rhythm and focus.

Without prejudice

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Cane-Striking then Thrusting with a Stance Change

This is a simple enough drill provided that I take the time to do it correctly and that I have the distance necessary to execute it.

Four counts at kicking distance works best.

Without prejudice

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Cane-Simple Step then Strike Technique

The idea is that as the attacker moves in from the side with a flurry of punches; I a both aware of his

approach (distance) and ready to defend myself.

I step away, bring my cane up to the fifth grip, thrust the point into his midsection and withdraw off.

Simple, direct and effective.

Without prejudice

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Cane-Another High Low Center Drill

Combining the hook and point in a high, low center drill actually sounds more complex than it is. I go slower and concentrate on balance, focus, rhythm and poise.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Cane-First Grip Thrusting Drill

I am in neutral gripping the cane by its hook. I raise it just past level and thrust at head height into the bag. I repeat at crotch level and then again at torso level.

High, low and center with the cane starting from the tip on the ground.

This is all about controlling distance and balance.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Cane-High, Low, Center Drill (using the center of the cane)

I hold the cane in the fifth grip at punching range. Using the centre of the cane, I cross check the bag high, low and center. When I go low, I squat down without bending my back.

The movements are light, crisp and clean.

This is a drill and not a combat scenario but focus, balance and timing are still necessary.

Without prejudice

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Cane-High, Low, Centre with the hook end

This drill is really nothing more than a coordination and distance familiarity drill. I stand at punching distance and using the hook, I strike high, low and center.

Distance and coordination…

Without prejudice

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Cane-Using the Tip in a High, Low Centre Drill

Gripping the cane in the Fifth Grip, I use the bottom third of the cane to block across my head, then my lower torso, and finally my chest. This is very similar to an outside block or a hooking block but I am using the cane.

The point is to make the cane a part of me as well as to improve my basic blocking skills.

This is a drill…

Without prejudice

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Cane-High, Low, Centre Striking Drill

Holding the cane in the fifth grip, I stay at punching distance and strike high, low and center. I alternate the arms and concentrate on balance and rhythm.

Without prejudice

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Cane-Working the Bag with the Cane

Working the bag with the cane is fundamentally the same drill as working the bag with empty hands. In the fifth grip, the distance is the same and the timing is very similar.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Working the Heavy Bag

Upon occasion it is good to just cut loose and let whatever comes out at the bag come out. It is not about speed or power or even technique.

It is about fun and confidence building.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Cane-Combination Defense

The drill I am working today has two parts. The first is an attack with the Front snap kick to the groin followed by the same side lead Jab to the face. The defense is to use my lead palm heel to squat block the incoming kick. I follow with a palm block and then Knifehand counter strike. This, in turn, is followed by a cane end thrust and withdrawal.

The keys, as is usually the case, are awareness, timing and distance appreciation.

Without prejudice

Monday, January 7, 2013

Block Then Counter

It is the rhythm that I am concentrating on today. This means that I use one count for the block, one count for the pause and one last count for the counterattack. By pausing between the block and the counter, I am able to insert other blocks or evasions if necessary.

Without prejudice

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Cane-Blocks with the Middle of the Cane

Using the middle of the cane to block with seems easy enough but in order for these to work, the attacker must be both close up and swing hard.

These blocks are slower than they seem and therefore must be timed perfectly.

Without prejudice

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Simultaneous Block with Counter Punch

The trick to making Martial Arts work is a combination of knowledge, practice and enthusiasm.

Today’s drill is the pairing of a block with one hand while punching with the other. Once I have the motion down, I practice it regularly both by myself and with a partner. Also, practice at different speeds helps me to familiarize myself with the moves.

Without prejudice