Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Forward Spin Kick

(*Be Advised* The first forty seconds of the video show me spinning this kick a bunch of times.)


The last two days have shown me practicing back kicks of a thrusting or swinging nature.

There are two similarities to the delivery of these back kicks. One is they happen at the same distance while the other is that they start from the same position.

Both happen at the same distance. With my feet together and turned away, I can turn my body sideways to the target and touch it with my extended fingertips.

I start at attention with my arm sideways to my body and my fingertips touching. I step back to a Leading Horse Stance.

It is at this point that the similarities end.

Rather than explain it, watch the video.

 It is said, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

I believe this video is worth several thousand words.

Remember, I did a lot of slow, careful, regular practices until it is an easy movement.

And once I had it down, I had to modify it to suit my own nature.

And once that was done I had to keep practicing it in order to keep the skill.

Without prejudice

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