Friday, October 30, 2015

Blocking Drill: The Outside Palm Block (a variation)

I hold my arms as I have all week.

Again, I use my rear arm first.

I use the rear arm to execute the first three moves.

I use my rear arm to execute an ‘Outside Palm’ Block against a punch to the face.

Then I use the same rear arm to guard my torso against another punch with a ‘Crossdownward Block’.

I punch put with the same fist to my attacker’s abdomen.

Only then do I follow up with three my counterpunches (in a ‘high, low, centre’ pattern).

I switch sides and repeat.

Today’s drill is supposed to be dome for thirty seconds but a overshot a bit…
Without prejudice

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Blocking Drill: The Outside Palm Block

I hold my arms as I have all week.

This time I use my rear arm first.

I use the rear arm to execute the first three moves.

I use my rear arm to execute an ‘Outside Palm’ Block against a punch to the face.

Then I use the same rear arm to guard my face against another punch to my face with a ‘Rising Block’.

I punch put with the same fist to my attacker’s abdomen.

Only then do I follow up with three my counterpunches (in a ‘high, low, centre’ pattern).

I switch sides and repeat.

Today’s drill is supposed to be dome for thirty seconds but a overshot a bit…
Without prejudice

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Blocking Drill: The Inside Block (a variation)

I use the lead arm to execute the first four moves.

I guard my chest with an ‘Inside Block’.

Here, I insert a ‘Mantis Block’ against a punch to the stomach.

Then I circle the lead arm around and guard my face with an ‘Outside Palm Block’.

At this point I start my counters.

I punch put with the same fist to my attacker’s abdomen.

Only then do I follow up with three my counterpunches (in a ‘high, low, centre’ pattern).

I switch sides and repeat.
Without prejudice

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Blocking Drill: The Inside Block

I use the lead arm to execute the first three moves.

I guard my chest with an ‘Inside Block’.

I guard my face with an ‘Outside Palm Block’.

I punch put with the same fist to my attacker’s abdomen.

Only then do I follow up with three my counterpunches (in a ‘high, low, centre’ pattern).

I switch sides and repeat.
Without prejudice

Monday, October 26, 2015

Blocking Drill: The Rising Block (a variation)

I use the lead arm to execute the first three moves.

I guard my face with a ‘Rising Block’.

Here is where I vary the drill from yesterday.

I guard my face again with a high ‘Outside Forearm Block’.

I punch put with the same fist to my attacker’s sternum.

Only then do I follow up with three my counterpunches (in a ‘high, low, centre’ pattern).

I switch lads and repeat.

Even a slight change can be disconcerting…
Without prejudice

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Blocking Drill: The Rising Block

I use the lead arm to execute the first three moves.

I guard my face with a ‘Rising Block’.

I guard my stomach with a ‘Crossdownward Arm Block’.

I punch put with the same fist to my attacker’s abdomen.

Only then do I follow up with three my counterpunches (in a ‘high, low, centre’ pattern).

I switch lads and repeat.

Today’s drill is supposed to be dome for thirty seconds but a overshot a bit…
Without prejudice

Friday, October 23, 2015

An Alternate Arm Block and Punch Drill from the High Guard with an Angled Palm Block

Again, this is similar to yesterday’s drill.

I start with my fists held high (just above shoulder height).

I block then punch as shown.

This time I make my counter a triple punch that travels in a 'high, low, center' format

Then I change lead legs with a ‘Forward Lead Switch’ before I do it again.
Without prejudice

Thursday, October 22, 2015

An Alternate Arm Block and Punch Drill from the High Guard with an Crossdownward Palm Block

This is similar to yesterday’s drill.

I start with my fists held high (just above shoulder height).

I block then punch as shown.

Then I change lead legs with a ‘Forward Lead Switch’ before I do it again.
Without prejudice

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

An Alternate Arm Block and Punch Drill from the High Guard with an Outside Palm Block

I start with my fists held high (just above shoulder height).

I punch and I block with each arms as shown.

This is more challenging than it looks when done more than once or twice.
Without prejudice

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Another Alternate Arm Drill: Mantis Block then Counterpunch

A couple of changes today.

I Block and Counter from the High guard today.

My counter is deliberately high.

My block is against a pinch to the chest.
Without prejudice

Monday, October 19, 2015

Another Alternate Arm Drill: This Time with the Inside Hooking Block and Counterpunch

Again, the video shows the ‘how-to’ easily enough.

This block is guarding the chest.
Without prejudice

Sunday, October 18, 2015

An Alternate Arm with the Rising Block and Counterpunch

The video shows the ‘how-to’ easily.

This is a coordination drill.

I use alternate arms and I alternate between a Rising Block and a Forefist Thrust.

Doing it in several thirty second bursts adds some challenge.
Without prejudice

Friday, October 16, 2015

Simultaneous Block and Knifehand Counter

Again, I have done this before.

And again, I screw up a couple of times.

So be it, no quitting is part of what this drill teaches.
Without prejudice

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Simultaneous Block with Counterpunch

I have done this one before and it is pretty simple.

What is different today is that I mess up…a couple of times.

Yet I keep on going.

Part of building a reflex is building the will to use it, even when things are difficult.
Without prejudice

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Torso Block, Check, Counterpunch

This drill utilizes two different blocks for either side of the body.

The attacker is throwing big, heavy slightly circular punches to the body.

They are easy to see coming but they are dangerous and should be treated with respect.

I block with my lead arm, check with my rear arm and counter with the lead.

I perform thirty seconds on one side and thirty seconds on the other.

Building a reflex (as well as maintaining it) is a long hard drive.
Without prejudice

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

High Block, Check, Counterpunch

The video is pretty self explanatory for these two blocks, check, counters.

Doing them for thirty seconds in a row on one side and then the other is a bit challenging.

The idea is to build and maintain a reflex that will work under pressure.

This drill is one small step towards that.
Without prejudice

Monday, October 12, 2015

Same Arm Block then Counter with Stance Switch

Again, this drill runs for one minute.

I use my lead arm to block then counter.

I switch between lead Stances after each counter.

It is the timing, distance and rhythm that are the key points here.
Without prejudice

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Block then Counterpunch on the Heavy Bag

I have done this drill before…Just not quite like this.

I use my lead arm to perform the six basic blocks that guard my head and upper torso.

In between each block I add a counterpunch with the rear fist.

I reset each time.

And I also pause between block and counter (in this drill).

I also do this drill for thirty seconds on each side.
Without prejudice

Friday, October 9, 2015

The Short Recovery of a Forefist Punch

The short recovery works when the target does not move.

My blow drives into the target but it does not move back or to the side.

The short recovery allows the recoil of the blow to move the arm back a short distance.

I can then punch from that distance if I wish or I can do something else.
Without prejudice

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Slide in Front Snap Kick

This is a simple enough technique.

Step forward, plant the support foot at an angle away from the target.

Raise the kicking leg by lifting the knee as the heel is pulled close to the butt.

The foot is pointed down allowing the top of the top easy access to the target.

At the same time the leg is lifted, the hip is tilted ina short sharp movement.

This adds power…

I always make it a point to aim through the target.

The recovery is equally important.

If I am not following up, I am withdrawing.
Without prejudice

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Cane in the 5th Grip: Downward Block to the Open side and Counter Thrust

I stand in a forward Bow Stance with the Cane held firmly at shoulder height.

I am at punching distance.

It is horizontal to the ground.

The attack is a punch to the body.

I block down and to the open side.

I drop the hook down so the end of the cane is pointed at the attacker (as shown).

I counter trust with the end in a high, low, center fashion.
Without prejudice

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Block and Counters with the Cane in the 5th Grip

I start with the Cane in the 5th Grip held low at punching distance to entice an attack to the head.

I block to the open side before counter striking with the ends in a high, low, center pattern.

It is the doing of this on a regular basis that counts.

The defense must become a reflex and it must be maintained or it will not work.

I start slow then work up.
Without prejudice

Monday, October 5, 2015

Thrusting Drill with the End in the 5th Grip

A simple enough exercise.

I drive the end of the cane into the heavy bag at punching distance.

I drive it in high, low, then centre.

I keep this up for thirty seconds.

I do this exercise on a regular basis.
Without prejudice

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Various Ranges the Cane may be used to Thrust with in Practice

I start out of range with a sharp thrust while holding the Cane in the 1St position.

I step forward to a Bow and ‘Augment‘the 1st grip by grabbing the middle of the cane.

I am now in range to execute a Front Snap Kick.

I change to a 5th grip as I execute a stepthrough.

This puts me close enough to drive out a ‘Horizontal Fore Elbow’.
Without Prejudice

Friday, October 2, 2015

Roundhouse Kick, Backfist, Spinning Backfist

I start by sliding in a Roundhouse Kick.

I step down and cross my rear leg behind me as I snap out a Leading Backfist

Now I am in an excellent position to whip around and drive out a Spinning Backfist.

Only at this point do I recover back out.
Without prejudice

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Jab, Backfist, Spinning Backfist

Today I start my drill with a quick jab to the face while standing in a Forward Bow stance.

I step with my rear leg behind and use my lead fist again to strike with a snapping backfist to the head.

Now I spin through and whip my spinning backfist around.

Only at this point do I recover.
Without prejudice