Thursday, May 31, 2012

Slide in Side Kick

Starts in a Leading Horse by stepping forward lifting the lead heel and snapping it out crisply into the attackers midsection.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Slide in Roundhouse Kick

This is done from a Leading Horse Stance. I step forward drawing my legs together. I lift my lead leg up and snap the kick out light and quick.

Done correctly, it is a powerful blow in its own right. It can also serve as the beginning of a combination counterattack.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Slide in Offset Kick

Almost the same as the Front Kick, this ‘Offset’ Kick goes in at a slight angle.

Without prejudice

Monday, May 28, 2012

Slide in Front Kick

I can step in quickly from a Forward bow Stance and snap my lead leg out in a fashion similar to a backfist.

Light, quick and powerful, this kick is a solid dependable technique.

Although it may not end the fight, it can set up follow-up blows that will.

I can use the top of the foot to attack the groin or I if I am a bit further away and I use the ball of my foot (or the tip of my shoe in this case) to kick the front of the body.

Without prejudice

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lead Backfist

The Lead Backfist is a technique very similar to the Lead Jab. Both are quick, light and powerful. Both measure range and set up other blows.

To make the Lead Backfist, I point the elbow at the point of finish as I bend my arm and draw my fist back to my shoulder. I snap the back ridge of knuckles out to the target and back.

A deceptively powerful strike, it can also be done with the lead arm from a Forward Bow.

Without prejudice

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lead Jab

This technique is light, quick, powerful and effective. It measures distance, draws responses that can work to my advantage and can be the beginning of many different combinations.

It’s a great move…

Without prejudice

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Power Strikes

Every one of the power strikes I do into the bag today must be timed and positioned correctly to achieve maximum effect.

Throwing and hoping; not such a good idea…

Without prejudice

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Swinging Backhand

There is a quick snapping backfist which I demonstrate at the beginning of this video. It is in comparison to the Swinging Backhand. The Swinging Backhand is another slow but powerful blow.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Looping Rear Forefist Thrust

Even though I rarely use this, I make it a point to know its strengths and weaknesses. Like the strikes I used yesterday and the day before, this is a slow but powerful blow that can end an encounter quickly.


If the attacker is ready, the fight can end just as quickly against me. This blow must be timed and placed exactly.

Without prejudice

Monday, May 21, 2012

Forehand Ridgehand Swing

This is similar to yesterday’s strike. This too, is a big fight stopping swing that is powerful but slow.  It is easy to see coming so it must be set up with a quick block or light jab that leaves the attacker vulnerable and out of position.

Without prejudice

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Horizontal Forehand Knifehand Swing

This is one of the most powerful hand strikes in Kisae.  It is devastatingly powerful.


It must be set up as it is also easily the slowest strike in Kisae. Easy to see coming and easy to defend against.

Without prejudice

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Working the Heavy Bag again

A heavy bag gives immediate feedback. The trick is knowing how to interpret it. Light quick blows should drive through a stationary object. The same blow done in the air should look almost the same but it will feel very different.

Without prejudice

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Rising Block then Forehand Ridgehand

Quick block followed by a big swinging counter.

Sometimes basic works.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Punching and Kicking the Heavy Bag

The heavy bag gives me immediate feedback about several things. If my fist or foot is properly aligned, I’ll know. If I have power and balance in my strikes, I’ll know.

Striking a heavy bag is not a lot like striking a hostile resisting attacker bent on doing bodily harm but it does give me a certain feedback.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Spin Kick Follow-up on a resistant target

Rising Block followed by three punches and a spinning kick.

This combination is done against a braced heavy bag so it does not move when struck. 

Yesterday I did a follow-up spin kick against the air (no resistance).

Balance, form and power should be consistent whether the target absorbs the blows or not.

Without prejudice

Monday, May 14, 2012

Floating Block then Shift Away Spin Thrust Kick

This defense works well when the roundhouse kick has been blocked and the spin kick catches the attacker as he drops his leg.

Without prejudice

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Punching the Heavy Bag

Same idea as yesterday only with punches. Whether I encounter resistance or not, my strike is fast, focused and firm.

Without prejudice

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Kicks on the Heavy Bag

Today I’m practicing kicking against the heavy bag.

The idea is to kick the same whether I am kicking the bag (a resisting target) or against air (a non-resisting target). That way I am powerful and balanced whether I encounter resistance or not.

Without prejudice

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Kneeling Groin Block counter punch Shift Away Kick

Against an attacker who attacks with a kick and then a punch, I block both and counter punch before I shift away to kick.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kneeling Rear Arm Palm Heel Groin Block then Half Step Kick

Same idea as yesterday except that I perform a half shuffle forward and kick with my lead leg.

Again, notice that when I am the ‘Attacker’, as I kick, I am on one leg and my body is even with the right side of the ‘Kempo’ banner.

When I switch to the ‘Defender’, I use a half shuffle in order to be at the correct distance to counter kick.

The sequence of events as I defend is to:

1 Kneel into my block,

2 Rise up,

3 Half step forward with my Rear Leg,

4 Shift my weight onto the Rear Leg and Counter Kick with my Lead Leg

5 Withdraw or follow-up as necessary

The specific idea is to use this against someone who wants to get in, strike at a distance, then strike again before withdrawing.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Kneeling Rear Arm Palm Heel Groin Block then Half Step Kick

Notice that when I am the ‘Attacker’, as I kick, I am on one leg my body is even with the right side of the ‘Kempo’ banner.

When I switch to the ‘Defender’, I have to step back slightly with my support foot in order to be at the correct distance to counter kick.

The sequence of events as I defend is to:

1 Kneel into my block,

2 Rise up,

3 Step back with my lead leg,

4 Shift my weight onto the lead leg and Counter Kick with my rear leg

5 Withdraw or follow-up as necessary

Without prejudice

Monday, May 7, 2012

Kneeling Rear Arm Groin Block and Follow-up Half Step Slide in Counter Kick

This defense is almost the same as the one I did a couple of days ago. The main difference is that I counter before the kicker can withdraw to his bow.

Without prejudice

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Kneeling Rear Arm Palm Heel Block, Then Shift Forward Offset Kick to Leg

I block the kick to my groin by dropping down and driving my palm heel into the instep of the attacking leg. As my attacker pulls away I follow-up with a low line counter kick to the side of his leg.

Without prejudice

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Kneeling Rear Arm Groin Block and Follow-up Slide in Lead Counter Kick

The key to this defense is t practice it until it is one effective reflex among many. To do it without thought when the time is right and the distance is correct.

And to have many other reflexes for many other situations.

Easy to say…

Without prejudice

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Simultaneous Block with Forehand Knifehand Swing

Three different impacts feel three different ways but look exactly the same when executed.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Simultaneous Block with Hammerfist

In all three types of impact; air, swinging bag and resistant bag, the counter looks the same. It feels different and it produces a different result but it looks the same.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Simultaneous Block with Counter Punch

I perform this drill with three different types of impact. In the first set, I counter to nothing but air. In the second set, I hit the bag on an angle that makes it recoil from the blow. In the third set, I hit the bag so that it has no where to go. My counter looks the same in all three sets but the feeling is very different.

Without prejudice