Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Front Snap Kick

I lift my knee as I bend my leg and snap my hips slightly forward and as I straighten the leg I drive the top of my foot into my attackers groin.

I make it a point to withdraw it quickly so it does not get trapped between his legs.

I usually execute this kick in one of three different ways at a beginning level.

I can shuffle in and kick with my lead leg.

I can turn my lead foot slightly and kick with my rear leg as I shift forward

I can shift my weight back onto my rear leg (without moving it) and kick with my lead leg.

When I am using this kick as a power move, I am somewhat slower with it but what I lose in speed I make up for in power.

However, like all power moves, it must to set up with proper timing and distance or it can be used against me.

Without prejudice

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