Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Roundhouse Kick


This kick is very similar to the front kick except that the leg is angled to drive horizontally instead of vertically (as in a front kick).  And it to, usually works best against an opponent standing sideways to me.

I start in a leading horse stance. 

I shuffle forward to neutral and lift my knee as I bend my leg. I snap my leg out and drive the top of my foot into my attacker’s groin.

I make it a point to withdraw it quickly.

I can also, shift away from the attacker while I am in a leading horse and kick with my lead leg.

There is no hip torque in a lead leg roundhouse kick done from a leading horse stance.


Putting my hips into the roundhouse kick from the forward bow requires a full ninety degree turn of the lead leg and hips.

I start in a Forward bow. I turn my lead foot out and torque my rear hip towards my attacker. I use this forward momentum to give power to the kick.

It is actually a different kick than when I first practiced it years ago. When I first learned it, I would shift forward from a forward bow up to a front crane then turn and drive the leg horizontally out.

I liked that kick…Still do but I prefer the three ways I execute it now. They work for me.

Without prejudice

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