Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Cane-A Combination Defense Drill

Combining bare hand techniques and cane techniques requires a lot of practice. As I stated at the beginning of this series of videos on the cane; training with the cane augments my bare hands. It improves my ability to judge distance, coordinate my body with the cane and perform actions with correct timing.

Today’s drill requires distance, time and practice to make it workable. It is difficult to perform this against a resistant partner but that is the test that will tell me if this drill can be done without thought (once I have this drill combination down pat).

I am taking a break from my ‘YouTube’ Channel and my ‘Blog’. I’ll post again onj Saturday, January 05 2013.

Without prejudice


Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Cane-Moving into and Out of a Chair

Something I forgot to mention is to arch the back. Bent knees, firm stomach and arched back; these are key to moving into and out of the seated position.

There is real danger when I am partway up or down. For just a second, I am off balance and out of position. Because of this, I take great care as to where I am when I sit.

It may not seem like much but it is good tradecraft to be aware of this vulnerability.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Cane-Other Stuff

I learned a long time ago that if I dropped my cane while sparring, to keep on sparring bare handed rather than stop, squat down to pick it up and leave myself open and vulnerable.

It is also common to discard a broken cane during a sparring match. A better alternative is to keep on sparring with a broken one (to learn to keep my guard up when the unusual happens).

The foot pick up I show is just for fun but it does take balance and some skill to get down.

Using the sixth grip is merely a matter of practice.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Cane-It is Not a Sword

I use my cane to assist me when I walk. This makes it a medical assistance device. Because I also train in Martial Arts, I practice with the cane too. It is a blunt, light, wooded pole about three feet long.

On the other hand, a sword is a three foot razor blade (or longer) that is balanced for cutting and thrusting. It can be deadly.

While a cane is about the same length as a sword, it is a different creature. It is built to sustain constant downward pressure. If I strike with it (like I might use a sword), I stand a good chance of breaking it.

Therefore, care must be taken in training to know how far, fast and hard I can go without breaking it (or me;-).

Without prejudice

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Cane-Rising Block then Countering Drill

Blending the cane with barehanded skills is a challenging activity. I do it because it is fun. I also find that my barehanded skills improve when I practice this drill too.

Today, I block with a bare hand rising block and follow with a same arm counter. It is at this point that I use the cane.

How I use it depends at lot on the range my attacker either stays at or moves to. The video explains it better.

Without prejudice

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Cane-Closing and Expanding Distances

Moving from beyond kicking range to close quarters range and back out again while striking is an important part of any art. Using the cane to practice this skill is merely one way to keep it interesting.

Without prejudice

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Cane-Thrusting with the First Grip

This is both the simplest move and the most difficult one.

It is simple because there is not much to it but lift and straighten the arm.

It is difficult because it requires enormous practice to develop it until it can be done quickly, accurately and without thought on a hostile and aggressive adversary. It is also difficult because both a stance change and a grip change will become necessary if this thrust fails to stop a determined attacker.

Practice, practice, practice…

Without prejudice

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Cane-Defense against a Lapel Grab and Punch

This is another basic defense combination. These only work when they are done so often that they happen without thinking about what I am doing.

And the only way I do them enough times for it to become reflex (and to keep that reflex sharp) is to enjoy what I do. I make the process of practice fun ( yes, I said, ‘FUN’).

Remember, slow leads to smooth and smooth leads to fast…But only if I do it a lot.

Also, my fast does not actually look particularly fast to me. I am concerned that I am ‘fast enough’ to keep up with my partner.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Cane-Block and Counter

A simple enough combination drill. I deflect the incoming limb and counter thrust to the body.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Cane-Making it Work

To keep the cane from breaking or getting grabbed (and nullified), I practice with it the way I practice my bare hand skills. I keep the movements, short, light, quick and hard to anticipate. I do not attempt to ‘stand and brawl’.

The whole point of training with the cane is to make it a part of me and to (therefore) improve my ability to control distance, inflict pain or damage and maintain overall control.

The Cane: One Tool of training my Martial Art.

Without prejudice

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Cane-Sometimes They Break Too

While practicing with the padded cane on the heavy bag tonight, I broke the cane. That happens. To an experienced martial artist, this is not a set-back merely a change. It now means I have a medium size stick and a shorter stick.

But these too have to be practiced or the skill will not be there if it is needed.

Without prejudice

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Cane-Striking at Three Different Distances

Moving and striking are hard enough when the distance changes during bare handed training but with a cane, this is a real challenge.

What I am doing is simple enough to understand. The doing of it over and over is the real challenge.

Without prejudice

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Cane-At Punching Distance

My abilities with a cane are tested and practiced at various distances. Today I am demonstrating how I would practice with this ancient device at punching range. The idea, after all, is to improve my bare hand skills and making the cane an extension of my arms means being able to use it in practice at various distances.

Without prejudice

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Cane-Defending Against the Rush

A rushing attacker can be deceptively quick. It is fine to say what one would do in the event of an onrushing attacker but without extensive practice, using a defense would prove…difficult.

Slow leads to smooth, smooth leads to fast.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Cane-Using the Mid Span the Block High

This is a basic drill used more against a wild swing by a light weapon (just as my arm is used against a wild swing by someone as strong as or weaker than I).

This drill is about distance, timing and focus. Being able to use all the areas of the cane is vital nor should one area be more important than another.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Cane-Using the End to the Closed Side

Same idea as yesterday but I am blocking on the closed side of my stance. I usually practice this against a straight thrust from the forehead to the groin inclusive.

Because thrusts happen so fast and are usually followed by another strike or grab, a single block is raely enough to deter the opponent.

Without prejudice

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Cane-Using the End of the Cane to the Open Side

The video makes how this works apparent but as to how to use it; this is a different matter entirely. That requires distance, practice, timing and knowledge.

It also requires lots of mistakes being made. Like the old saying goes, “Good judgment comes from bad judgment.”

Learning from mistakes requires that they be made in the first place.

Without prejudice

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Cane-Working at Three Ranges

Range changes quickly and most unexpectedly, so my abilities must be good at all ranges.

Without prejudice

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Cane-a Review of Grips on the Cane and Ranges (it can be used at)

Today I am using a metal extending cane but the idea of this tool still remains. There are still six basic grips that I practice with and four basic ranges I use this tool at.

Without prejudice

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Cane-Changing Between Two Distances

The change is really nothing more than a half step from Forward Bow to Neutral. Knowing this and knowing the distance intuitively are two different things. When I practice, I do my best to keep aware of how close or far away something is and how quickly that distance can change.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Cane-Use of the Mid Span

Using the mid span of the cane as I describe in my ‘YouTube’ channel video is simple enough when done a couple of times. The trick is to do it enough that it becomes a reflex.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Cane-Using the Fifth Grip to Block

I am in a Forward Bow holding the cane with both hands in the Fifth Grip (a third, a third and a third). I use the end of the cane nearest the point to perform inside blocks, outside blocks, downward blocks and low outside blocks.

These are all done close in and I had to practice slowly for the longest time just to get the motion down.

By practicing these blocks with the cane, I find my bare hand blocks are improved as well.

Without prejudice

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Cane-Grip Retention

Today I am practicing with the fourth grip but this principle applies to them all. The hand grips the cane like I grip my hammer. The grip is both strong and supple. I am able to wield the cane around me without accidentally dropping it.

I practice with the cane so that my control over this tool is as close to absolute as I can make it. Of course, each time is a new experience and absolute takes on a new meaning.

The first few times I practiced with my cane for several minutes, my hand and forearm were sore the next day.

Without prejudice

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Cane- Another Grip Changing Drill

Today I am concentrating on measuring the distance of two different ranges with the tip of my cane.

I hold it in the fourth grip (about a third of the way down) and extend my arm. I keep my body still (no stepping yet). 

From this position, I pull the cane closer to my body and grasp it in the fifth grip (a third, a third and a third).

Once again, I extend my arms and measure where the point is.

I switch back and forth between these two ranges. I also practice this on both sides.

This drill is about developing my ability to switch distances (and in this instance that means switching grips).

This is simple enough done once but not so simple when done many times in a few minutes per day (every day of the week, week after week).

Without prejudice

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Cane-Practicing at Various Distances

The three main distances I practice at in this video all start while I am within range. Therefore, I alos practice keeping my guard up throughout the drill

Without prejudice

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Cane-Six Different Grips on The Cane

The distance in training between partners may change from ‘kicking distance to kissing distance’ in a heartbeat. Practice with my bare handed skills should reflect that and so should my practice with the cane.

The six different grips (and their variations) that I take on the cane are designed to do just that.

But it is only by doing these things thousands of times that skill may become ingrained and even then: there are no guarantees.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Looping Forefist Thrust

A powerful but easy-to-see-coming blow; this should be prefaced with a jab or block or timed so that it catches the attacker when he is unable to stop it (such as advancing in to grab).

Nor should it be used alone. As part of a flurry of blows, this strike as devastating power. A block, straight Forefist thrust and then a looping Forefist thrust followed by more of the same can make a solid dent on a relentless attacker.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Cane-Tool for Martial Arts Training

I use the cane I carry as an aid for walking (much like the back brace I wear for standing). When I was younger, I did not see the need for such accessories. Nowadays, they are no longer accessories but rather ‘necessities’. Therefore, I incorporate them into my training.

Older need not mean decrepit; it can mean smarter.

Without prejudice

Monday, November 19, 2012

Straight Rear Forefist Thrust

Exactly like it sounds. A powerful punch that drives forward in a straight line. I turn my hips into the thrust as I drive forward. It is a very versatile technique that fits well as a follow-up both with a jab or a block.

Without prejudice

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Cane-Retention Drill

The whole idea of practicing with any tool is to improve the overall quality of my art. Thi is a good example of that.

This could be thought of as a basic ‘Retaining-The-Cane’ drill. The idea is to use all my body against my attacker’s hand.  By first stepping closer and grabbing the cane near his grip, I maintain control of the cane. Then I use turning of my body against his thumb to release the cane.

This uses the same concepts practiced in single wrist releases. By practicing with the cane, my empty hand skills are honed.

Without prejudice

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lead Jab against a Fixed Heavy Bag

Sometimes, just seeing and feeling what my jab can accomplish against a heavy bag (that does not move) can be illuminating.

Making sure the bag moves and not me is quite important. So is not pushing the bag but rather, hitting it in a crisp, clean and focused manner.

Without prejudice

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Cane-Rowing the Ends

While trapping the furthest end close to my body, I row the leading end forward or backward.

By itself, the motion is a good basic exercise.

It can also be used to learn the technique required to free up the cane should it be grabbed.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Cane-Two Position Changes

The first is a simple one while the second is a bit more complex. The point is to familiarize myself with how the cane works and to make it go where I want it to go without thinking about it.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Cane-Figure Eight Drill with a Grip Change (to the other hand)

I grip the cane about a third of the way from the end.

I perform a simple figure eight drill today. An angled overhand forehand swing followed by an angled overhand backhand swing.

I twirl the cane behind me (making use of the momentum but keeping a sure grip on the cane).

I change hands behind my back and do it on the other side.

Actually took a lot longer to type than to do.

Becoming familiar with the cane takes a lot of practice (for me). The key is slow and control. I know (from past experience) that speed will come in time.

Without prejudice

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Cane-The Eight Geometric Angles

This is a drill designed to familiarize myself with the cane. I can move the cane straight up and down along with side to side to form a square. Turn the square slightly to an angle and I have four more angles making a total of eight.  I make an octagon around me as I perform this drill.

Without prejudice

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Cane-An Underhand behind the Back Grip Change

This is the opposite of yesterday’s drill.

The whole point of each and every one of these is to familiarize myself with the cane and what I can do with it. This in turn, helps my bare handed skills at martial arts.

I’ll say that again because it still amazes me after all this time. Even though I am merely using this stick as an exercise device, my bare had skills at martial arts do improve…Go figure!

Without prejudice

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Cane-Over the Top Grip Change, Behind the Back

Slow leads to smooth and smooth leads to fast. I did not invent this piece of wisdom but I sure follow it.

Going behind my back is all a matter of feel (kinesthetic sensation), I literally take the time to feel where my cane is.

All these grip changes do a lot of positive things. They stretch the muscles involved and they help to develop coordination (to name but two).

They also allow me to develop a familiarity with the cane. I come to know (feel) where the the cane is in relationship to me.

Without prejudice

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Cane-Horizontal Backhand Grip Change

A simple enough maneuver, I just swing the thing behind me and change grips. Slow and easy is the key. I do it time after time until it is an effortless motion.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Cane-Overhand Grip Change

Two days ago we covered the underhand grip change and yesterday we went over the basics of the horizontal grip change. Both of these transfer the cane grip from one hand to the other.

Today I am showing the overhand grip change. It looks a lot like the underhand. It should. It is simply the motion in reverse.

I take a mere five minutes a day and walk through these grip changes without speed or power. The constant repletion improves my abilities in many ways.

It is also a lot of fun and ‘fun’ keeps training happening.

Without prejudice

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Cane-Horizontal Forehand Grip Change

This is another exercise with the cane. The purpose is to improve my coordination, dexterity, ability to judge distance and I find it also improves my sense of rhythm.

As I show below, the explanation is often much more complex than the deed.In the end, it is anout the action and not the explanation (still, talking does clarity things).

I start with both hands in front on the cane palm down. It is held horizontal to the floor at about eye height. I use one hand to swing the cane over the top of my head and around in a forehand fashion until I grab it with the other hand. At that point I simply do it on the other side.

Without prejudice

The Cane-A Basic Grip Change

I perform an uppercut swing and drop the point behind and to the outside of the striking arm elbow. I reach across and under my striking arm with my free arm to grab what was the point.

I have now switched grips from one hand to the other. There is nothing new about this but it is the practice that makes this change easy and functional. It is the practice that builds coordination.

It is all about the practice.

Without prejudice

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Cane-One handed overview

The use of the cane as a Martial Arts exercise device is old and known in many cultures.

Today I am showing some basic moves with it. I make it look easy and after all the practice I’ve had, I should.

Slow and careful, that is the key. It is all about control.

Without prejudice

Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Three Strike Drill using Double Sticks

The Drill

These three strikes are all done diagonally overhand. Essentially, this is a forehand strike, followed by what we were doing last week (backhand then forehand).

Start with large swings and work down to smaller ones.

Make sure to have enough room so that there will be no accidents. Keep the sticks light and move slowly.

Have Fun!

Without prejudice

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Another Horizontal Double Stick Drill

This is a four move drill. That is four moves in each direction.

Watching the vid is pretty self explanatory. The idea is to become more comfortable with swinging these things around. Careful practice, done slowly and in control will give the best results in terms of better coordination, better, distance appreciation, better focus.

The idea is to have fun but it is still a form of training and it should be treated as such.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Underhand Diagonal Double Stick Drill

Instead of going horizontally, I move the sticks underhand and diagonally.

I can also use them with my torso still or I can torque my hips as I strike. This adds power, distance and speed.

However, for every advantage, there is an equal and opposite disadvantage. The sticks become harder to control if I torque the hips with the strikes.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Horizontal Double Stick Two Strike Drill

This is almost the same as yesterday. The main difference is that I am moving the sticks through a horizontal plane instead of a diagonal overhand plane.

Backhand followed by forehand. It seems easy to do…And it is…For the first several hundred repetitions.

This dill is done slowly, with control and focus. Develop an eye for distance and detail and an ear for rhythm and cadence.

Without prejudice

Monday, October 29, 2012

Double Sticks 1st Basic Coordination Drill

Sometimes it helps to take a break from serious training and engage in something a bit more lighthearted. The drill I show today, is just that, lighthearted.

The sticks I show here are used for coordination, distance appreciation, familiarizing oneself with use of foreign objects in ones hands and just because they can be fun. Do not ever underestimate the importance of fun in training.

The Drill Itself:

An overhand diagonal backhand followed by an overhand diagonal forehand. Do these SLOWLY and carefully. Use light (and DULL) things and that way, there is less chance of an accident.

Go with big swings first and gradually make your wrists move less. From big to small is literally all in the wrists.

Without prejudice

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Backhand Knifehand Thrust

Like the Jab, this strike is quick, deceptive and can be done to various targets. It feels light only to the striker.

Without prejudice

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Straight Forefist Thrust

Using my rear fist, I torque my hips forward as I drive my standing Forefist high (slightly above shoulder height), centre (at shoulder height) and then low (slightly below shoulder height). After that I use a flat Forefist and repeat the same drill.

Without prejudice

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Forehand Knifehand Swing

This is another big heavy swing. I usually preface it with a jab or a straight punch. This blow is usually a finisher.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lead Backfist

Light, quick, deceptive; these words describe what a Backfist LOOKS like. What it FEELS like to be on the receiving end; that is another story.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Looping Forefist Thrust

It goes great around a ‘peek-a-boo’ guard (to angle in on a target). It also leaves the side of the face and body open (if only for a brief interval). Slow but powerful.

Without prejudice

Monday, October 22, 2012

Forehand Ridgehand Swing

Basically, it is just what the name says; a big swing. Set it up and it causes all kinds of damage. Easy to see coming though, so it must be set up.

Without prejudice

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Backhand Knifehand Thrust

This is a versatile weapon. In many ways, it is similar to a Forefist jab.

Without prejudice

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Straight Forefist Thrust

I am practicing against the heavy bag today. I start with the jab. Single jabs or in concert with others, the jab is a good hard move that cause damage in its own right or be used to set up other strikes.

One of the other strikes today is a straight Forefist with the other hand. As I retract my jab, I punch with the other fist.

Without prejudice

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Angled Block

This block utilizes the Pal Heel to defend the short ribs against a looping punch thrown to the opposite side of the body. In many ways it is similar to a Cross Downward Palm Block.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cross Downward Palm Block

This block merely deflects a punch to the torso straight down. It is a short sharp rap against a straight in punch.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mantis Hooking Block

Just moving the arm through the black, over and over builds a muscle memory. Then I am able to perform the block without thought. This leaves me free to concentrate on my opponent.

The use of dumbbells is just a tool. There is no bravado and machismo in this, only serious training.

Without prejudice

Monday, October 15, 2012

Outside Forearm Block

Using a dumbbell (heavy, mid, or light) or just using the arm by itself; the motion is the same. Tighten the core and move the arm across the body.

Without prejudice

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Inside Hooking Block

The main difference between blocking with a heavier weight than blocking with a light one (or none at all) is the speed of the move. Keep in mind that I am talking about dumbbells and exercises desined to improve that block.

Without prejudice

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Rising Block

Whether I am performing this block with a larger weight, smaller weight, a paper weight or no weight at all; the motion is exactly the same. My core is taught; my spine straight, knees bent and my head is up. I drive through the block from beginning to end.

Without prejudice

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Shift Forward Roundhouse Kick

The main difference between yesterday’s kick and the one I do today is the hip turn. Today, I turn my hip more into the kick.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Shift Forward Offset Kick

I do not concentrate on power but rather on focus and form. The trick is to make it as effortless as possible.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Front Thrust Kick

In this version of the kick, I shift forward with my rear leg and raise my knee up, then extend the foot out in front. I make contact with the front of my target with the ball of my foot.

By extending my hip and foot forward as I straighten the leg, I drive the ball of my foot thru the target, forcing it back.

It is a powerful move and yet it is also quick.

Without prejudice

Monday, October 8, 2012

Roundhouse Kick

When I kick slowly, I will often use an aid (a cane or a chair) to assist my balance. When I kick fast, there is no need for such an aid.

The trick is to make fast kicks feel the same (to me, the kicker) whether I hit something solid or just the air.

Without prejudice

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Offset Kick

Others have stated that slow kicks done with a balance bar or a chair for support are done to build strength as much as they are done for stretch.

I would have to agree…

Without prejudice

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Front Snap Kick

Whether it is done slow and held out, done quickly with nothing to hit but air or blasted into a heavy bag, this kick should feel effortless to the kicker.

Without prejudice

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Continuous Forehand Knifehand Hammer Drill

Done with the arms in the ‘cocked’ position, I am able to throw the Forehand Knifehand Hammer’ out and back; first with one arm then with the other.

Perfect practice makes perfect so I do my best and each day I get a little closer to ‘perfect’.

As someone once said, ‘Master is a journey, not a destination”.

The same may be said of ‘Perfect’: it is the journey, not the destination which counts.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Continuous Lead Backfist Drill

Unlike the other drills this week, this one is done from a Leading Horse. I am just snapping the Backfist out and back over and over again.

Among other things it builds muscle memory pattern.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Continuous Looping Forefist Thrusting Drill

Another combination I would NEVER use in a self defense situation. This continuous alternate arm drill builds power, focus, balance…It builds a lot of things but it is a drill! It should be prefaced with a jab or a slap block first.

Without prejudice

Monday, October 1, 2012

Continuous Forehand Ridgehand Swing drill

This is definitely not a combination I would use in a self defense situation. This continuous alternate arm drill builds power, focus, balance…It builds a lot of things but it is a drill!

Without prejudice

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Continuous Alternate Arm Backhand Knifehand Thrusting Drill

This is also a reinforcement drill. Only today I am training the Backhand Knifehand Thrust instead of the punch. Like yesterday, the last strike should be as strong, focused, balanced, quick and clean as the first one.

I use the same blow in the air that I execute on the heavy bag at the end.

Without prejudice

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Continuous Alternate Arm Punching Drill

This drill is a reinforcement of the punch. The last punch should be as strong, focused, balanced, quick and clean as the first punch.

Notice that I do a short few before resetting and do one hundred (100) in thirty seconds (30).  The short set is also comprised of powerful blows.

Without prejudice

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Simultaneous Lead Arm Block with Rear Arm Forehand Knifehand Swing

In order for this combination to work (in any of its variations), I have to be set before the attack begins. This also means I must be able to use the initial position for more than one thing or I will telegraph my intentions.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lead Arm Block with Rear Arm Backfist

I start with one had in high guard and one hand in low. As I block high, I counter low or I block low while countering high.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Simultaneous Lead Arm Block with Rear Arm Counter Punch

I use a Forefist thrust to my attacker’s face (or body while deflecting his incoming punch to my face or chest.

Without prejudice

Monday, September 24, 2012

Lead Arm Block, Rear Arm Check, Lead Arm Counter

While the same limb blocks then counters, the rear arm checks between the two. There should be a nice even flow to the combination.

Without prejudice

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lead Arm Block followed by Lead Arm Counterattack

Almost the same as yesterday except that I counter with the same arm I block with.

Without prejudice

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Lead Arm Block followed by Rear arm Counter

This is a basic defense combination. There is a definite pause between the initial block and the counter. There is time to inject a second (or more) block(s) before countering.

Without prejudice

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Rear Leg Roundhouse Kick followed by Rear Arm Backfist

Torque off the back leg and roundhouse kick followed by a same side Backfist. The same as I have been doing all week (in one version or another). Notice that as I drop the kicking leg to strike…I drop only to neutral.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Rear Leg Offset Kick followed by Rear Arm Forefist Thrust

I drive in with my back leg using an offset kick and follow with a rear arm Forefist Thrust. This can be made to work whether the initial kick is blocked or not. All that is necessary is that the attacker stand his ground against the kick.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rear Leg Front Snap Kick followed by Rear Arm Forefist Thrust

I shift my weight forward and execute a front snap kick. As I drop my kicking leg forward, I punch straight in. The ‘one-two’ rhythm is used and done correctly, this is a powerful combination.

Without prejudice

Monday, September 17, 2012

Lead Roundhouse Kick followed by Lead Backfist

I start with my side leading into the attacker. Instead of a jab I use a Backfist. The rhythm is the same.

Without prejudice

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lead Offset Kick followed by Lead Forefist Thrust

Slide forward and execute an offset kick at groin height. Follow this by punching with the same side as I step down. Again, the ‘one-two’ rhythm is the beat that I use.

Without prejudice

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lead Front Snap Kick followed by Lead Forefist Thrust

The punch flows right off the kick. It is a one-two rhythm that makes this combination work best.

Without prejudice

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Forehand Knifehand Swing

Another powerful strike that should be set up with a jab or block first. This is a strong but easy-to-see coming strike.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hammering Bottom Fist

This is another version of a jab. This time I am using the bottom of my fist from across my stomach to the target. Looks light and like it is a ‘nothing’ strike.

Looks can be deceiving.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Looping Forefist Thrust

This strike should be used to strike targets located on the side or angled to the side of an oncoming attacker. It is a strike that (like the Ridgehand I showed yesterday) must be set up with proper timing and distance. The attacker must be busy reacting to something else or he may see this coming in and defend against it.

Without prejudice

Monday, September 10, 2012

Forehand Ridgehand Swing

This is a big powerful swing. It can be done horizontally or diagonally but either way, it takes a long time to get to its target. It has to be set up properly or it is easily countered.

Without prejudice

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Backhand Knifehand Thrust

Similar in many ways to the jab, the Backhand Knifehand Thrust utilizes the edge of the hand to strike the vulnerable targets of an attacker.

Without prejudice

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Lead Jab

This is both a very basic weapon and a devastating tool to inflict damage as well as set up other weapons.

Still, it looks like nothing until it lands!

Without prejudice

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Simultaneous Block with Forehand Knifehand Swing

Instead of a Forefist thrust or a hammering Backfist; I use a Forehand Knifehand Swing.

The Forehand Knifehand Swing is very powerful but easy to see coming. It is also slow so it must be timed and placed with great precision or it will be blocked and countered.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Simultaneous Block with Counter Hammerfist

Similar to yesterday’s counter the hammering counter (with either the Hammerfist or the Backfist) is deceptively powerful and hard to see coming.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Simultaneous Block with Counter Punch

The lead arm blocks the incoming attack while the rear fist strikes to the attacker’s body or head.

Notice, that at the end of this vid, I show the different timings I have practiced all week.

Without prejudice

Monday, September 3, 2012

Basic Lead Block then Rear Check then Lead Counter

This is usually used against a heavy puncher who likes to brawl. He leaves his hand out for just a fraction of a second before retracting it. When the timing and position are right, this combination works well. But it must not be forced; it works without thought or not at all.

Without prejudice

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Basic Lead Block followed by Lead Counter

This combination may be used to defend against a single punch (or grab) or it can be used to interrupt a combination by blocking the first punch and punching between his first and second punches.

Tricky and unpleasant if you are a bit off, when it works, it works very well indeed (uses the incoming force of the attacker against himself).

Without prejudice

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Basic Lead Block followed by Rear Counterpunch

This is a very simple combination. Easy to use and easy for the other guy to get around.

There must be a pause between the block and the counter. This leaves room for another block. It is designed this way. This combination is used to defend against a single punch.

If the attacker is using more than that, a different strategy is called for…

Without prejudice

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Six Basic Blocks with Redirect followed by Check

The same as yesterday except a check follows the blocked then redirected arm. To someone not familiar with this move, it looks like I am waving my arms about. Each move has a purpose and the entire combination must be timed and placed correctly…

And all this must be done without thinking about it.

To paraphrase another master, ‘It takes time to look, think, see and do.’

To take the time to do this while using the block, redirect, check effortlessly, is hard enough. To think about what I am doing while I am doing it is just absurd (and impossible).

Without prejudice

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Six Basic Blocks with Redirect

Against a hard punch I use a strong block followed by a motion that redirects where the arm is (after the block. The point is off balance the attacker and stop follow up attacks while placing me in a better position to counter attack.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Six Basic Parries with Check

Instead of blocking with an immediate follow up check, I am parrying with an immediate follow up check.

As I show on the heavy bag at the end of the video, the parry is a powerful strike.

This is defense through counter offense against the attacking limb before following up the head or torso.

Without prejudice

Monday, August 27, 2012

Six Basic Blocks with Check

This is a short demonstration of the six basic blocks done with a check follow up. The check may work to temporarily hold an extended thrusting limb out. When I say ‘temporarily hold’, I’m talking about a fraction of a second. Simply long enough to execute a counter without getting in blocked or evaded.

Without prejudice

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Six Basic Parries

The six basic parries and very similar to the six basic blacks I showed yesterday. The block travels at approximately right angles to the incoming strike to knock it to the side. The parry travels at a much less severe line and appears to only slightly alter the course of the incoming strike.

Both work and both are necessary.

Without prejudice

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Six Basic Blocks

These six basic blocks cover the front of the head, neck and body against a variety of punches and kicks. The idea is to draw the attack then attack the attacking limb as it is extended.

Without prejudice

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Roundhouse Kick step forward Spin Thrust Kick

Almost the same as yesterday’s combination except that I start in a Leading Horse. I slide forward, execute a roundhouse kick, step down and slightly forward, spin and thrust my heel at a carefully retreating attacker.

It doesn’t work if the attacker jumps back or falls down. It is designed to work on someone who is carefully retreating and still poses a threat.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Offset Kick step forward Spin Thrust Kick

This is similar to yesterday’s combination. The main difference is that my intial kick comes in at a bit of an angle

Between the two kicks, the attacker withdraws one step either to evade or as a result of being kicked yet they are still dangerous and recognizably so.

This combination is deceptively simple to practice but it only works when it is really used (not demonstrated).

Without prejudice

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Front Kick step forward Spin Thrust Kick

For the first three days of this week, I kicked, spun in place and did a short spin kick against a stationary target.

Today I demonstrate a front kick against one target, step down and forward, spin and perform a full thrusting heel kick against a target a full step behind the first target. The point is to show how to follow up against an attacker that moves back from the fist kick (but is still dangerous).

Without prejudice

Monday, August 20, 2012

Roundhouse Kick and then Spin Hook Kick

Again, the target does not move or fall but remains still long enough after I roundhouse kick it for me to spin in place and hook my heel upwards. A full spin thrust kick would be too close (thus jammed).

Without prejudice

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Offset Snap Kick then Short Spin Rising Kick

Even though my initial kick comes in at an angle, I am still too close for a full thrusting back kick as a follow up. Instead, I turn in place and use my leg like an uppercut punch. The danger of using this kick is that I am turning my back to an attacker at a distance that they can hurt me bad with punches. Therefore I must be sure my initial kick has cause them to pause monetarily before I turn to kick.

Without prejudice

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Front Snap Kick then Spin Hooking Heel Kick

Against a stationary attacker, the front kick may only be followed by a spin kick if the kicker steps down (not forward). This also presupposes that the kick lands hard enough to keep the attacker stationary but not able to mount a counter attack.

Without prejudice

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Inverted Lunging Forehand Knifehand Swings

Similar in many ways to the Ridgehand swings I showed a couple of days ago. These are big heavy blows that should be used after an opponent has been blocked, jabbed or held with my lead hand.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Inverted Lunging Backfists from Leading Horse

This is a very fast and deceptively powerful strike. Capable of causing damage in its own right, it is a good set up blow for more powerful follow ups.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Inverted Lunging Swinging Forefist Thrusts

Big heavy blows today. Much like yesterday but I land the fist instead of the Ridgehand. These must be set up with quick block or jabs beforehand or the big swing will quickly become the big miss.

Without prejudice

Monday, August 13, 2012

Inverted Lunging Forehand Ridgehand Swings

This is a big powerful clubbing like action.

However, it is slow and easy to see coming.

Without prejudice

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Inverted Lunging Backhand Knifehand Thrusts

Same step as yesterday, I draw my back leg forward.

The Knifehand thrust comes from across the body but it travels forward instead of around.

A deceptively quick step with a deceptively powerful strike.

Without prejudice

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Inverted Lunging Forefist Thrusts

I draw my back leg forward as I thrust. This allows me to cover a short distance while punching. It also sets up the lead leg for a follow up kick.

Without prejudice

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Roundhouse Kick with the Ball of the Foot

Similar to yesterday’s kick but I am more sideways to my attacker when I hit him.

This is a deceptively powerful kick but the distance is always tricky.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Offset Kick with the Ball of the Foot

This kick hits the front of the target at an offset angle (while the top of the foot hits the side of the target).

Without prejudice

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Front Thrust Kick with the Ball of the Foot

This kick drives forward into the front of the attacker instead of upward.

Without prejudice

Monday, August 6, 2012

Roundhouse kick with the Top of the Foot

Done with the lead leg I can shuffle forward and kick or shift my weight to by back leg and kick. Done with the rear leg, I make it a point to turn sideways to the target before kicking.

Without prejudice

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Offset Kick with the Top of the Foot

I step in and kick with my lead leg or shift forward and kick with my rear leg. I can also shift away and kick with my lead leg against a closer adversary.

This kick is similar in many ways to the front kick except that the front kick drives forward and upward while this one attacks the target at an angle from the side.

Without prejudice

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Front Snap Kick

The very first kick I ever learned. Still practice it. Still fascinated by it.

Without prejudice

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Angled Block Follow Ups
Same old moves done over and over but in new and different patterns. I keep it interesting and so I keep training.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cross Downward Palm Block Follow Ups

No matter how long I have been doing a drill, there are still times when I make mistakes. The key to successful drill is perseverance. I just keep on drilling (even when I make a mistake).

Without prejudice

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mantis Block Follow Ups

It is more important that each maneuver be done correctly than that the pattern be done smooth. The individual moves are what count, not how quickly or smoothly the whole drill is done.

Without prejudice

Monday, July 30, 2012

Outside Palm Block Follow Ups

The drill is done in an orderly manner. The idea is to do one thing and then to do another in an unhurried way.

Without prejudice

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Inside Hooking Block Follow Ups
Basically the same drill as yesterday except that I start with an inside hooking block.

Without prejudice

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Rising Block Follow Ups

In order to make a technique more useable, it must be practiced regularly and in a variety of ways. This is one way.

I perform a rising block followed by another block.

I do this six times in a row with six different follow up blocks.

Then I perform a rising block with six different counters.

I’m working this technique smoothly and cleanly.

Without prejudice

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Swinging Forehand Knifehands

These are big powerful moves that can knock an attacker down.

They are also easy to see coming by both the arm winding back and the hip recoiling in preparation for the blow.

Therefore they should be prefaced with a quick block or jab first; something that keeps the attacker busy.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Backhand Hammerhands or Backfists with Lead Arm

This technique, too, may be used in a way similar to the jab. Light, quick, probing, always testing; this strike is hard to block, hard to avoid and easy to use. Similar, in many ways, to the backhand Knifehand thrust.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Looping Forefist Thrusts

This is a big heavy blow that goes over, around or under an opponent’s guard to strike. It is easy to see coming, so like the swing, it should be prefaced with a quick jab or block first.

Without prejudice

Monday, July 23, 2012

Forehand Ridgehand Swing

This is a big powerful swinging strike that is usually prefaced with a quick light block or jab. I use my hips by drawing them back before my strike and then, tightening up my core I  torque my hips forward to add speed and power to my movement.

Without prejudice

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Backhand Knifehand Thrusts with Lead Arm

This technique may be used in a way similar to the jab. Light, quick, probing, always testing; this strike is hard to block, hard to avoid and easy to use.

Without prejudice

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Lead Forefist Thrust

The jab is a versatile weapon. It can be used to measure distance. It can be used to set up other attacks. It can be a damaging attack just by itself. It can be a distraction. Combined with footwork and used repeatedly, it can help maintain a desired distance from the attacker.

Yet it is habitually underrated and undervalued.

The jab; looks like nothing and feels like nothing unless you are on the receiving end.

Without prejudice

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Simultaneous Block with Forehand Knifehand Swing

Looks like the last couple of days because the block and counter are done at the same time.


This counter is a powerful swinging forehand Knifehand. Done with the block this counter can be a fight stopper.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Simultaneous Block with Counter Hammer Fist

Again, both the block and the hammer fist are done at the same time, therefore, both are poised to strike at the same time, both are released at the same time and both end at the same time.

The block is high while the counter is low or the block is low while the counter is high.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Simultaneous Block with Counter Punch

Both the block and the punch are done t the same time, therefore, both are poised to strike at the same time, both are released at the same time and both end at the same time.


The block makes contact with the striking arm before the fist makes contact with the head or torso.

Without prejudice

Monday, July 16, 2012


This drill is best practiced against an attacker who attacks with slow ponderous punches. I block the punch, check (or hold the arm still) and then I counter attack to his head or body.

This is not the only way or sometimes (even the best way) to defend but it is one way to deal with a slugger.

Without prejudice

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Lead Arm Block/Lead Arm Counter Attack

This is still ‘a-block-and-then-a-counter’ drill.  In many ways, this is similar to yesterdays’ drill. The main idea is to hit the incoming arm aside and then hit the attacker in the face or body.

The difference between today’s’ drill and yesterday is that today I use the same arm to both block and counter. The way I do it makes the counter just a little bit faster and timed slightly different.

Without prejudice

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lead Arm Block and Rear Arm Counterpunch

In this drill there is a slight pause between the block and the counter. The pause is deliberate and must be practiced so that another block can be inserted between the initial block and counter.

The idea is to be able to use this combination against a single powerful attack. Against multiple attacks, there are a variety of defenses, counters and other strategies, just not a single block followed by a single counter.

Without prejudice

Thursday, July 12, 2012


After I perform a basic block, I use the blocking arm to pull the attackers punching arm across his body. Then I use my other arm to check his arm before countering.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


After I perform a basic block, I use the blocking arm to pull the attackers punching arm across his body.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Similar to yesterday only I use a parry instead of a block. If the attacker continues to leave their arm out, after the parry, I’ll check it before countering.

This whole activity takes only a fraction of a second so the move must be effortless, like a blink, or it will fail.

Without prejudice

Monday, July 9, 2012


Similar to what I did on July 07 2012 except that after every block I add a check with the other hand.

Without prejudice

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Basic Parries

These six moves are very similar to yesterday’s blocks. The main difference is these deflect an incoming punch at a slighter angle. It’s easier to think of them as an angled deflection rather than a hard block.

Unless you are on the receiving end…

Without prejudice

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Basic Blocks

These six basic blocks work to deflect an incoming punch to my head or upper torso.

The passive draw; give a target only to take it away.

The idea is to draw an attackers’ punch and then block. The attacker must strike first and where I am ready to defend. So in order to work, the  blocks will already have to be in the beginning position to block or they will be too slow.

Without prejudice

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Roundhouse Kick with the Ball of the Foot

Again, I show the offset kick today with two methods of advancement.

I either slide in or shift forward and then lash out with my kick.

The main difference between the offset kick and the roundhouse kick is that my hips turn more when I execute the roundhouse kick.

 The roundhouse kick also makes  a good choice for striking the side of the leg, the side of the body or to the groin of someone who is facing me at an angle.

Today I am striking with the ball of the foot (even with shoes on, I still use the ball of the foot).

Because I am using a front view, it is easy to see the difference between an offset kick and a roundhouse kick.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Offset Snap Kick with the Ball of the Foot

Again, I show the offset kick today with two methods of advancement.

I either slide in or shift forward and then lash out with my kick.

The main difference is that the offset comes in at a bit of an angle. This makes it a good choice for striking the side of the leg, the side of the body or to the groin of someone who is facing me at an angle.

Today I am striking with the ball of the foot (even with shoes on, I still use the ball of the foot).

Because I am using a front view, it is easy to see the difference between a front kick and an offset kick.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Front Thrust Kick with the Ball of the Foot

 I show this kick with two methods of advancement, shuffle forward or shift forward.

The main difference between the front snap kick and the front thrust kick is the snap goes up into the scrotum of the attacker while the thrust travels forward into the abdomen of the attacker.

Without prejudice

Monday, July 2, 2012

Roundhouse Kick with the Top of the Foot
I show the Roundhouse kick today with the same two methods of advancement as yesterday and the day before.

I either slide in or shift forward and then lash out with my kick.

The main difference between the offset kick and the roundhouse kick is the roundhouse is done with my body sideways to my attacker.

Without prejudice

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Offset Snap Kick with the Top of the Foot


Again, I show the offset kick today with two methods of advancement.

I either slide in or shift forward and then lash out with my kick.

The main difference is that the offset comes in at a bit of an angle. This makes it a good choice for striking the side of the leg, the side of the body or to the groin of someone who is facing me at an angle.

Without prejudice

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Front Snap Kick with the Top of the Foot

I show this kick today with two methods of advancement.

In the first one, I step forward with my back leg and lifting the lead knee, I kick with the lead leg.

In the second method, I simply shift all my weight forward onto my lead leg and kick with my rear foot.

Both methods should be light, quick and feel like nothing at all to the kicker.

Without prejudice

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Quarter Distance Fore Elbows and Knees
Today I am mixing Fore Elbow Strikes with Knee strikes. The sounds I make when I hit the bag actually sound similar to the speed at which I kicked the bag a few days ago.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fore Elbow and Half Punch combinations
Today I am working the bag in close. These are fast continuous combinations that flow easily into eacg other.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Kicking the Heavy Bag
Kicking may be done from either  a crane stance or from a variety of two legs on the ground stances.  This video shows me kicking from the bow or neutral. The rhythm is much slower than yesterday’s. A quick fighter might be able to defend against the initial kick and counter. On the other hand, two or three powerful kicks will cause a significant amount of damage against even the most determined attacker.

Without prejudice

Monday, June 25, 2012

Striking and Kicking

This is another drill where I find it helps me if I concentrate on the rhythm. The rhythm of kicking alternating with striking with the arms is different than with arms alone (or legs alone too).

Without prejudice

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Block and then Counter Punch

Today I am again working the heavy bag. It is the rhythm that counts here more than the actual technique; one and a slight pause before two.
Without prejudice

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Working the Heavy Bag Combinations off of a Front Kick
Working combinations off of a stationary target is never the same as live but it can be used to improve distance, balance, coordination etc. Basically, it is another way for me to train.
Without prejudice

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Shift away Downward Block then Slide in Counter
I shift away and deflect the incoming kick. Catching the leg when it is extending out is what makes this defection work.

As he withdraws, I follow up with a counter. If he does not move back, I would not use this counter. It is vital that I move with him in order for this tactic to work. It is also essential that this is simply one of many varied tactics at my disposal.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Diagonal Downward Block then Slide in Counter Kick
The counter is the same as it has been all week. My attacker slides in and kicks before withdrawing to his original position. 

In this case, I guard the side of my abdomen before countering.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Kneel Downward Sweep Block then Slide in Offset Kick
This block works best against an offset kick to the groin. I drop my weight down and sweep the kick to the side. As my attacker withdraws, I follow up with my own counter kick.

Without prejudice

Monday, June 18, 2012

Shift Away Defense followed by a Slide in Kick
Same counter as yesterday (and the day before) but the defense is different. The attack is a low line kick to the leg. I defend by stepping back. As the attacker withdraws, I follow and kick.

Without prejudice

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Shift Away Descending Palm Heel Block then Slide in Front Kick

Similar to yesterday but instead of going down, I go back.
Against a front kick to the stomach, I shift back into a cat stance as I execute a Descending Palm Heel Block. As the attacker withdraws, I step forward and counter kick.

More Basics…

Without prejudice

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Kneel Groin Block then Slide in Front Kick
Against a front kick to the groin, I drop my weight into a Descending Palm Heel Block. As the attacker withdraws, I step forward and counter kick.


Without prejudice

Thursday, June 14, 2012

High Low Centre Thrusting Drill
I perform alternating High low center forefist thrusts with high low center knifehand thrusts. I follow this with the same thing done with hip torque.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

High Low Centre Inside and Outside Blocks
This is a coordination drill. First I perform a Rising Block, Downward Block and Inside Block. Next I perform a High Outside Block, a Low Outside Block and a Mid outside block.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

High Low Center Backhand Knifehand Thrusts
This drill may be done with or without hip torque. If hip torque is added, make sure to add it only when the knifehand is on the way to the target.

Without prejudice

Monday, June 11, 2012

High Low Center Outside Blocking Drill
Same idea as Saturday, June 09 except that I am using Outside Palm Heel Blocks.

Again, I cover various heights with alternate arm blocks. The blocks are as easy and simple to use as blinking yet with the power to stop a hard punch or kick.

Without prejudice

Sunday, June 10, 2012

High Low Center Classic Punching Drill

This is the first ‘High-Low-Center’ punching drill I ever learned. I do it both with the core still and with added hip torque.

Without prejudice

Saturday, June 9, 2012

High Low Center Inside Blocking Drill
Basic idea is to cover various heights with alternate arm blocks. The point is to make the blocks as easy and simple to use as blinking yet with the power to stop a hard punch or kick.

Without prejudice

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Combinations off of the Side Kick

All the combinations that I show today are done against a stationary target. What boxers used to call a ‘catcher’.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Kisae Kempo Combinations off of The Roundhouse Kick


Today I’m practicing a follow up Lead Backfist  or a follow up rear leg front Kick.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Combinations off of the Offset Kick

Like a straight in Front Kick, the Offset Kick is quick yet strong. The offset has the advantage of being able to tag an attacker who is positioned on an angle to me.

Without prejudice

Monday, June 4, 2012

Combinations of off the Front Kick

Leading with the Front Kick in Kisae is a bit different that simply punching because I do not fall into a stance after kicking. I kick, step down no deeper than shoulder width and punch.

Without prejudice

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Combinations off of the Lead Backfist

Almost the same as yesterday except that I am in a Leading Horse Stance. I use the Lead Backfist to measure my distance as well as injure my attacker. If they are efficient enough to defend against the initial backfist, my follow ups should do the job.

Without prejudice

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Combinations of off the Jab

Working the heavy bag tonight. I slide in while leading with the jab. I follow up with another punch or two before withdrawing. Nothing fancy, just basic stuff.

Endlessly fascinating…

Without prejudice

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Slide in Side Kick

Starts in a Leading Horse by stepping forward lifting the lead heel and snapping it out crisply into the attackers midsection.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Slide in Roundhouse Kick

This is done from a Leading Horse Stance. I step forward drawing my legs together. I lift my lead leg up and snap the kick out light and quick.

Done correctly, it is a powerful blow in its own right. It can also serve as the beginning of a combination counterattack.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Slide in Offset Kick

Almost the same as the Front Kick, this ‘Offset’ Kick goes in at a slight angle.

Without prejudice

Monday, May 28, 2012

Slide in Front Kick

I can step in quickly from a Forward bow Stance and snap my lead leg out in a fashion similar to a backfist.

Light, quick and powerful, this kick is a solid dependable technique.

Although it may not end the fight, it can set up follow-up blows that will.

I can use the top of the foot to attack the groin or I if I am a bit further away and I use the ball of my foot (or the tip of my shoe in this case) to kick the front of the body.

Without prejudice

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lead Backfist

The Lead Backfist is a technique very similar to the Lead Jab. Both are quick, light and powerful. Both measure range and set up other blows.

To make the Lead Backfist, I point the elbow at the point of finish as I bend my arm and draw my fist back to my shoulder. I snap the back ridge of knuckles out to the target and back.

A deceptively powerful strike, it can also be done with the lead arm from a Forward Bow.

Without prejudice

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lead Jab

This technique is light, quick, powerful and effective. It measures distance, draws responses that can work to my advantage and can be the beginning of many different combinations.

It’s a great move…

Without prejudice

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Power Strikes

Every one of the power strikes I do into the bag today must be timed and positioned correctly to achieve maximum effect.

Throwing and hoping; not such a good idea…

Without prejudice

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Swinging Backhand

There is a quick snapping backfist which I demonstrate at the beginning of this video. It is in comparison to the Swinging Backhand. The Swinging Backhand is another slow but powerful blow.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Looping Rear Forefist Thrust

Even though I rarely use this, I make it a point to know its strengths and weaknesses. Like the strikes I used yesterday and the day before, this is a slow but powerful blow that can end an encounter quickly.


If the attacker is ready, the fight can end just as quickly against me. This blow must be timed and placed exactly.

Without prejudice

Monday, May 21, 2012

Forehand Ridgehand Swing

This is similar to yesterday’s strike. This too, is a big fight stopping swing that is powerful but slow.  It is easy to see coming so it must be set up with a quick block or light jab that leaves the attacker vulnerable and out of position.

Without prejudice

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Horizontal Forehand Knifehand Swing

This is one of the most powerful hand strikes in Kisae.  It is devastatingly powerful.


It must be set up as it is also easily the slowest strike in Kisae. Easy to see coming and easy to defend against.

Without prejudice

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Working the Heavy Bag again

A heavy bag gives immediate feedback. The trick is knowing how to interpret it. Light quick blows should drive through a stationary object. The same blow done in the air should look almost the same but it will feel very different.

Without prejudice

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Rising Block then Forehand Ridgehand

Quick block followed by a big swinging counter.

Sometimes basic works.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Punching and Kicking the Heavy Bag

The heavy bag gives me immediate feedback about several things. If my fist or foot is properly aligned, I’ll know. If I have power and balance in my strikes, I’ll know.

Striking a heavy bag is not a lot like striking a hostile resisting attacker bent on doing bodily harm but it does give me a certain feedback.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Spin Kick Follow-up on a resistant target

Rising Block followed by three punches and a spinning kick.

This combination is done against a braced heavy bag so it does not move when struck. 

Yesterday I did a follow-up spin kick against the air (no resistance).

Balance, form and power should be consistent whether the target absorbs the blows or not.

Without prejudice

Monday, May 14, 2012

Floating Block then Shift Away Spin Thrust Kick

This defense works well when the roundhouse kick has been blocked and the spin kick catches the attacker as he drops his leg.

Without prejudice

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Punching the Heavy Bag

Same idea as yesterday only with punches. Whether I encounter resistance or not, my strike is fast, focused and firm.

Without prejudice

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Kicks on the Heavy Bag

Today I’m practicing kicking against the heavy bag.

The idea is to kick the same whether I am kicking the bag (a resisting target) or against air (a non-resisting target). That way I am powerful and balanced whether I encounter resistance or not.

Without prejudice

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Kneeling Groin Block counter punch Shift Away Kick

Against an attacker who attacks with a kick and then a punch, I block both and counter punch before I shift away to kick.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kneeling Rear Arm Palm Heel Groin Block then Half Step Kick

Same idea as yesterday except that I perform a half shuffle forward and kick with my lead leg.

Again, notice that when I am the ‘Attacker’, as I kick, I am on one leg and my body is even with the right side of the ‘Kempo’ banner.

When I switch to the ‘Defender’, I use a half shuffle in order to be at the correct distance to counter kick.

The sequence of events as I defend is to:

1 Kneel into my block,

2 Rise up,

3 Half step forward with my Rear Leg,

4 Shift my weight onto the Rear Leg and Counter Kick with my Lead Leg

5 Withdraw or follow-up as necessary

The specific idea is to use this against someone who wants to get in, strike at a distance, then strike again before withdrawing.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Kneeling Rear Arm Palm Heel Groin Block then Half Step Kick

Notice that when I am the ‘Attacker’, as I kick, I am on one leg my body is even with the right side of the ‘Kempo’ banner.

When I switch to the ‘Defender’, I have to step back slightly with my support foot in order to be at the correct distance to counter kick.

The sequence of events as I defend is to:

1 Kneel into my block,

2 Rise up,

3 Step back with my lead leg,

4 Shift my weight onto the lead leg and Counter Kick with my rear leg

5 Withdraw or follow-up as necessary

Without prejudice

Monday, May 7, 2012

Kneeling Rear Arm Groin Block and Follow-up Half Step Slide in Counter Kick

This defense is almost the same as the one I did a couple of days ago. The main difference is that I counter before the kicker can withdraw to his bow.

Without prejudice

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Kneeling Rear Arm Palm Heel Block, Then Shift Forward Offset Kick to Leg

I block the kick to my groin by dropping down and driving my palm heel into the instep of the attacking leg. As my attacker pulls away I follow-up with a low line counter kick to the side of his leg.

Without prejudice

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Kneeling Rear Arm Groin Block and Follow-up Slide in Lead Counter Kick

The key to this defense is t practice it until it is one effective reflex among many. To do it without thought when the time is right and the distance is correct.

And to have many other reflexes for many other situations.

Easy to say…

Without prejudice

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Simultaneous Block with Forehand Knifehand Swing

Three different impacts feel three different ways but look exactly the same when executed.

Without prejudice