Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Rising Block then Two Counter Punch Drill

The same limb that blocks executes the first punch.

I use the blocking position to strike into my opponents face with my first counter.

Then I counter with the other hand.

With this drill, I alternate sides with the Block/Punch.

Again, this is a three count drill.
Without prejudice

Monday, September 19, 2016

Block and Counterpunch Drill

I put the pause in between the block and the counter on this drill.

Some I am performing a three count drill.

Therefore my count should be ‘one, two, three’.

Which is exactly what it would be if I were executing a three punch drill, over and over.
Without prejudice

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

High, Low, Centre Punching Drill

This one is done from the ‘High Guard’ position.

The punches are powerful, quick and effective.

But this is still just a drill.

They would not be used against an opponent like this.
Without prejudice

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

High, Low, Centre Outside Blocking Drill

Same basic idea as yesterday except the blocks come from the outside.
Without prejudice

Monday, September 12, 2016

High, Low, Centre Inside Blocking Drill

I use each arm alternately as shown.

This is a coordination drill.
Without prejudice

Friday, September 9, 2016

7th Grip: Still another Block then Counter Drill

This is the opposite of yesterday’s drill.

I block to the closed side of my upper torso before counter striking.
Without prejudice

Thursday, September 8, 2016

7th Grip: Another Block then Counter Drill

This time around, I block a punch to the open side of my head.

I then counter as shown.

This looks simple…

Doing it under pressure requires a lot of practice.
Without prejudice

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

7th Grip: A Second Block then Counter

Against a straight in attack into the solar plexus, I block (as shown).

This block is for the same area (just done in the other direction.
Without prejudice

Monday, September 5, 2016

7th Grip: One Block then Counter

Against a straight in attack into the solar plexus, I block (as shown).

This block has the effect of bending my arm or ‘loading up’ the cane for its counter.

If I make contact the cane will rebound back.

If I miss the cane will continue on its arc and be ready for a second counter.

In either case, I must keep a firm grip on it.
Without prejudice

Friday, September 2, 2016

7th Grip: Striking with the Butt End of the Hook

This is a minor movement.

It is slow and it takes a while to learn properly.

None the less, it has a place in training.
Without prejudice

Thursday, September 1, 2016

7th Grip: Thrusting with the Tip

Almost like a Forefist Thrust, I chamber it at the hip.

Then I thrust the tip out at Front Kick distance.
Without prejudice