Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Underhand Diagonal Double Stick Drill

Instead of going horizontally, I move the sticks underhand and diagonally.

I can also use them with my torso still or I can torque my hips as I strike. This adds power, distance and speed.

However, for every advantage, there is an equal and opposite disadvantage. The sticks become harder to control if I torque the hips with the strikes.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Horizontal Double Stick Two Strike Drill

This is almost the same as yesterday. The main difference is that I am moving the sticks through a horizontal plane instead of a diagonal overhand plane.

Backhand followed by forehand. It seems easy to do…And it is…For the first several hundred repetitions.

This dill is done slowly, with control and focus. Develop an eye for distance and detail and an ear for rhythm and cadence.

Without prejudice

Monday, October 29, 2012

Double Sticks 1st Basic Coordination Drill

Sometimes it helps to take a break from serious training and engage in something a bit more lighthearted. The drill I show today, is just that, lighthearted.

The sticks I show here are used for coordination, distance appreciation, familiarizing oneself with use of foreign objects in ones hands and just because they can be fun. Do not ever underestimate the importance of fun in training.

The Drill Itself:

An overhand diagonal backhand followed by an overhand diagonal forehand. Do these SLOWLY and carefully. Use light (and DULL) things and that way, there is less chance of an accident.

Go with big swings first and gradually make your wrists move less. From big to small is literally all in the wrists.

Without prejudice

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Backhand Knifehand Thrust

Like the Jab, this strike is quick, deceptive and can be done to various targets. It feels light only to the striker.

Without prejudice

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Straight Forefist Thrust

Using my rear fist, I torque my hips forward as I drive my standing Forefist high (slightly above shoulder height), centre (at shoulder height) and then low (slightly below shoulder height). After that I use a flat Forefist and repeat the same drill.

Without prejudice

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Forehand Knifehand Swing

This is another big heavy swing. I usually preface it with a jab or a straight punch. This blow is usually a finisher.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lead Backfist

Light, quick, deceptive; these words describe what a Backfist LOOKS like. What it FEELS like to be on the receiving end; that is another story.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Looping Forefist Thrust

It goes great around a ‘peek-a-boo’ guard (to angle in on a target). It also leaves the side of the face and body open (if only for a brief interval). Slow but powerful.

Without prejudice

Monday, October 22, 2012

Forehand Ridgehand Swing

Basically, it is just what the name says; a big swing. Set it up and it causes all kinds of damage. Easy to see coming though, so it must be set up.

Without prejudice

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Backhand Knifehand Thrust

This is a versatile weapon. In many ways, it is similar to a Forefist jab.

Without prejudice

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Straight Forefist Thrust

I am practicing against the heavy bag today. I start with the jab. Single jabs or in concert with others, the jab is a good hard move that cause damage in its own right or be used to set up other strikes.

One of the other strikes today is a straight Forefist with the other hand. As I retract my jab, I punch with the other fist.

Without prejudice

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Angled Block

This block utilizes the Pal Heel to defend the short ribs against a looping punch thrown to the opposite side of the body. In many ways it is similar to a Cross Downward Palm Block.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cross Downward Palm Block

This block merely deflects a punch to the torso straight down. It is a short sharp rap against a straight in punch.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mantis Hooking Block

Just moving the arm through the black, over and over builds a muscle memory. Then I am able to perform the block without thought. This leaves me free to concentrate on my opponent.

The use of dumbbells is just a tool. There is no bravado and machismo in this, only serious training.

Without prejudice

Monday, October 15, 2012

Outside Forearm Block

Using a dumbbell (heavy, mid, or light) or just using the arm by itself; the motion is the same. Tighten the core and move the arm across the body.

Without prejudice

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Inside Hooking Block

The main difference between blocking with a heavier weight than blocking with a light one (or none at all) is the speed of the move. Keep in mind that I am talking about dumbbells and exercises desined to improve that block.

Without prejudice

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Rising Block

Whether I am performing this block with a larger weight, smaller weight, a paper weight or no weight at all; the motion is exactly the same. My core is taught; my spine straight, knees bent and my head is up. I drive through the block from beginning to end.

Without prejudice

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Shift Forward Roundhouse Kick

The main difference between yesterday’s kick and the one I do today is the hip turn. Today, I turn my hip more into the kick.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Shift Forward Offset Kick

I do not concentrate on power but rather on focus and form. The trick is to make it as effortless as possible.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Front Thrust Kick

In this version of the kick, I shift forward with my rear leg and raise my knee up, then extend the foot out in front. I make contact with the front of my target with the ball of my foot.

By extending my hip and foot forward as I straighten the leg, I drive the ball of my foot thru the target, forcing it back.

It is a powerful move and yet it is also quick.

Without prejudice

Monday, October 8, 2012

Roundhouse Kick

When I kick slowly, I will often use an aid (a cane or a chair) to assist my balance. When I kick fast, there is no need for such an aid.

The trick is to make fast kicks feel the same (to me, the kicker) whether I hit something solid or just the air.

Without prejudice

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Offset Kick

Others have stated that slow kicks done with a balance bar or a chair for support are done to build strength as much as they are done for stretch.

I would have to agree…

Without prejudice

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Front Snap Kick

Whether it is done slow and held out, done quickly with nothing to hit but air or blasted into a heavy bag, this kick should feel effortless to the kicker.

Without prejudice

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Continuous Forehand Knifehand Hammer Drill

Done with the arms in the ‘cocked’ position, I am able to throw the Forehand Knifehand Hammer’ out and back; first with one arm then with the other.

Perfect practice makes perfect so I do my best and each day I get a little closer to ‘perfect’.

As someone once said, ‘Master is a journey, not a destination”.

The same may be said of ‘Perfect’: it is the journey, not the destination which counts.

Without prejudice

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Continuous Lead Backfist Drill

Unlike the other drills this week, this one is done from a Leading Horse. I am just snapping the Backfist out and back over and over again.

Among other things it builds muscle memory pattern.

Without prejudice

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Continuous Looping Forefist Thrusting Drill

Another combination I would NEVER use in a self defense situation. This continuous alternate arm drill builds power, focus, balance…It builds a lot of things but it is a drill! It should be prefaced with a jab or a slap block first.

Without prejudice

Monday, October 1, 2012

Continuous Forehand Ridgehand Swing drill

This is definitely not a combination I would use in a self defense situation. This continuous alternate arm drill builds power, focus, balance…It builds a lot of things but it is a drill!

Without prejudice