Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Through Not To

When I was a beginner, all the punches and kicks I learned were to the other guy. Every once in a while someone would get hit but they were few and far between.

All the attacks and defences for beginners were based on that concept. They were to the point of contact not through to the point of finish.

Little by little I learned that a serious strike (or kick) goes through an opponent. The difference between the point of contact and the point of finish is about three inches.

That change in distance made all the difference. My concept of techniques and tactics changed dramatically. Suddenly I could land powerful strikes and my confidence rose proportionately.

p.s. I train in a no contact system these days. I save my full power for the heavy bag and focus mitts. When training two man stuff, I am always aware that a partner is much too precious to risk damaging.

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