Sunday, October 30, 2011

Inside Hooking Block Drill

This is similar to yesterday’s exercise.

As I watch the vid, I can see that my upper body shakes with effort as I blaze away through this drill. Using this much force will produce a noticeable flinch unless there is contact made between a defender and an attacker. The kinetic energy built up during the movement must go somewhere. The harder and faster the set of several blocks are done, the more energy is produced.

One block, done once with full power and speed can be done in stillness. It is possible to simply absorb the energy (from one block) and be still.

More than one bock done in quick succession will produce too much kinetic energy to remain still.

I don’t do a lot of this drill. Also, when I first learned to do it correctly, I went slowly for the first several months.

Without prejudice

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